Pille danach nehmen oder nicht Hilfe?
Ich habe mich übergeben und keine Pille nachgenommen. Mein letzter gedxhlechtsvekrehr ist allerdings 2 Wochen her. Sollte ich dann trotzdem die Pille danach nehmen oder nicht?
Ich habe mich übergeben und keine Pille nachgenommen. Mein letzter gedxhlechtsvekrehr ist allerdings 2 Wochen her. Sollte ich dann trotzdem die Pille danach nehmen oder nicht?
Ich habe mit der Pille ca eine Woche nach den Tagen angefangen. Jetzt habe ich am Wochenende meine Tage bekommen obwohl ich erst morgen die letzte Pille nehme. Sollte ich die Pause normal machen oder lieber die Pille durchnehmen? Wie pendelt sich der Zyklus am besten wieder ein?
Heii also ich hab Heute morgen ein Schwangerschafttest gemacht der Negativ war nun wollte ich es weg schmeißen und habe nochmal drauf geguckt es war Positiv! Ich mache mir nun echt sorgen.. kann der Test austrocknen und positiv anzeigen? hat jemanden Erfahrung damit gemacht? Ich habe seit Wochen etwas Unterleib schmerzen und nachts sind es…
Habe mich rasiert und ausversehen in den nippel geschnitten und das blutet jz was kann ich dagegen tun?
Hallo zusammen, ich habe einen schwangerschaftstest gemacht der direkt einen leichten strich hatte jedoch hab ich dann darauf den tag noch einen gemacht der blieb aber auch so schwach. Kann sein, dass mein HCG Wert zu niedrig ist da ich erst morgen überfällig bin oder sind die tests einfach falsch und ich bin nicht schwanger…
Hallo leute😋 habe jetzt eine längere Zeit die pille durchgenommen aber jetzt mache ich mal wieder die pillenpause.. da es schon länger her ist bin ich etwas verwirrt, habe am Samstag die letzte pille genommen wann muss ich jetzt wieder anfangen Samstag oder sonntag? danke liebe grüße
After two weeks it is unfortunately already too late for the pill afterwards; that must be taken within three days of sex.
If you’re afraid to be pregnant, go straight to the female doctor or make an early test at home.
Hello Hello123956
4 hours after taking the pill, the active ingredients have certainly already passed into the organism and are still protected. If you break within 4 hours, or really liquid diarrhoea it is necessary to take a pill in order not to lose protection (taking into account the recommended take-up time of the pill). Stands also in the package It is best if you use the last pill of the blister, then you do not get confused with the days (but only applies to pills without placebos). The pill break then begins with full protection around a day earlier. It may not last longer than 7 days. At the latest on the 8th day you start taking again, regardless of whether you had a bleeding or whether it still stops. This does not apply to Belara, Bonadea, Chariva, Chloee, Damara, Desmin, Enriqua, Femigoa, Femigyne, Leios, Leona-Hexal, Lilia, Minette, Minisiston, Mona-Hexal, Neo-Eunomin (22+6), Starletta-Hexal, Swingo, Trigoa, Velafe.
If you have a mistake in taking it then it always depends on which week of the mistakes happen.
Nothing can happen from the GV 2 weeks ago.
In case of a mistake in the first week, the missed pill immediately decrease even if you have to take 2 pills at the same time. Then continue normal again. But the next 7 days, at the Qlaira 9 days, in any case additionally prevent. In the case of GV during the 7 days prior to the taking error there is also the possibility of pregnancy.
In the second week of adoption: Take the forgotten pill immediately, even if you have to take 2 pills at the same time. Then continue normal again. If the previous 7 days the pill was taken regularly, the protection is still present, even during the break. If you forget more than one pill then you have to additionally prevent the next 7 days and in the break you are only protected if the pill was taken regularly 14 days ago.
In the third take-off week: either take the pill further and start with the next blister without a break, or immediately take 7 days (no longer) break (the day of the forgotten pill must then be counted as the first break day) and then start with the next blister. In both cases, protection is preserved. The pill after that is unnecessary in this case.
At the Cerazett, Damara, Desofemono, Desogestrel, Aristo, and Solgest the next 7 days must be additionally prevented for each error.
At Belara, Belissima, , Chariva, Chloee, Enriqua, Lilia, Minette, Mona-Hexal, Neo-Eunomin and Trigoa, the next 7 days must be additionally prevented for each error and the break must be omitted
ATTENTION: If you take the pill after that you can lose the protection of the pill. The protection will only begin once the pill has been removed after the pill at least 14 days uninterrupted and error-free. In the break, however, one is only protected if the pill has been removed from the break for 14 days, at the Belara, Chariva for 21 days. If you are not protected during the break then you have to additionally prevent the first 7 days of taking pills at the Qlaira 9 days.
Greetings HobbyTfz
Have you ever come up with the idea of taking a look at the package leaflet of the pill?
This information can be found in the package leaflet, which you should read urgently (as noted at any medication). Because even if the package leaflet has an eagerly long and bone-dry text, familiarize yourself with your contraceptive.
Only in order to know the actual contraceptive effect also of typical side effects, interactions and mistake, and then to be able to react properly and especially in time.
Not every mistake leads to loss of protection. It comes to the pill you take in which week the mistake has happened and, of course, whether you correct it.
Each pill has a time window for removing a forgotten pill, so that the protection is preserved. Otherwise, you are usually protected after 7 pill days. For as long as you have to keep up with condoms or just for a week to give up sex.
Why an emergency prevention if the last sex was two weeks ago?
Happy for you!
Is that serious?
The pill after that acts quite reliably up to 24 hours after intercourse, at 48 hours it is far less and after 72 hours it is hardly effective. 14 days after sex it doesn’t work at all and you only have the severe side effects.
Please let the doctor give you comprehensive advice. The details are important.
The pill after that is absolutely not necessary.
But you must additionally prevent the rest of the cycle.
No, the last time was two weeks ago. But if you do it again for the next seven days, keep it safe.
go to the doctor
it’s toooo late ha