Pille danach?
Hey leute,
Ich kenn mich da garnicht aus aber , nach ein ungeschützten geschlechtsverkehr habe ich die pille danach genommen. Es waren nicht mal 24 stunden . Ich hatte danach rückenschmerzen und bauchschmerzen und war die ganze zeit müde ein tag nach der annahme hab ich bisschen geblutet . Und es ist wircklich zwei wochen her aber habe dann random am donnerstag unterleibkrämpfe bekommen und jetzt auch bisschen schmerzen als ob irgendwas gezogen wird. Ist es normal?
The pill After that only works if you haven’t had your ovulation in this cycle.
The cycle begins with the first day of your period. After about 12-15 days the ovulation is, there is the most fertile time.
If you had unprotected sex before the ovulation, from day 1 to day 10, and then took the pill, the ovulation will continue to be moved to HINTEN. Then you don’t have your ovulation on day 12-15 but zb on day 22-25 (applies to the pill).
But if you had sex on the day of the ovulation on day 12-15, then the pill does not bring any more, since the egg has already been fertilized and the pill is then not an abortion pill.
If you had sex after the ovulation, you took the pill completely unnecessary. The pill shifts the ovulation back. If the ovulation was already, nothing can be moved.
So now you have to know yourself, when did you last have your days? From there you start counting. Is your cycle always regular, so always about 28 days?
The side effects of the pill After that are abdominal pain, cramps, nausea, diarrhea and bleeding.
At this point you can take a look at the package leaflet of emergency prevention – which one should be noticed by the way when taking any medication best beforehand.
The pill after it is not a hormone bomb that makes sick and the active ingredients are considered to be well tolerated. But the hormones in the pill after that are significantly higher doses than in the antibab ypilla and they can (like all medicines) have side effects, which however do not have to occur on everyone.
Surely you will find your complaints in the 4th. Section of Use Information under “What Side Effects Are Possible?” listed.
It can occur, among other things, after taking the pill afterwards, to a changed bleeding pattern and the next menstruation can be used in individual cases quite sooner or later than normal.
Happy for you!
I did.
Okay has calmed me a little hahah thank you