Pille danach?
Ich habe vor 2 Wochen geschlechtsverkehr gehabt und am nächsten tag die Pille danach eingenommen. Ich hätt aber vor pber 1 Woche meine Periode bekommen sollen. Deswegen habe ich vor 2 Tage einen Schwangerschaftstest gemacht der war jedoch negativ. Ich habe meine Periode aber immer noch nicht bekommen. An was kann das liegen?
After taking the pill. The stuff is ne purest hormone bomb, there is a delayed period nothing unusual.
The pill then shifts the ovulation and thus also automatically the next period.
So that’s what it is.
Don’t read a package?
but I have actually and my friend works in the apotheke. But how can my ovulation be left if I already had it?
How do you know he was when you took the pill after that?
And why for heaven’s sake did you even take it?
You took the pill after 3 weeks before your period was due so the ovulation would not have been yet.
But you can’t get pregnant when the ovulation was already. And the pill after that is ineffective when the ovulation was already.
Obviously your girlfriend didn’t tell you anything.
that I am not pregnant?😭
It doesn’t make sense. What’s the pill after that?
I took the Pielle after 1 week before I had to get my period.
Because the condom is torn and I wanted to go safe on number.