Pille absetzen Ja/Nein, Alternativen?
Ich denke immer mehr darüber nach die Antibabypille abzusetzen, da ich mich nicht unbedingt mehr wohl damit fühle (körperlich und psychisch).
Mein Frauenarzt hat sie mir mit anfang 14 verschrieben, nun bin ich 19 und seit über 3 Jahren in einer Beziehung.
Ich beschäftige mich mittlerweile mehr mit dem Thema und habe das Gefühl, meinem Körper würde es ohne der Pille besser gehen. Zumal ich gelesen habe, dass die Gebärmutter mit Einnahme der Pille nicht mehr wächst und man schlussendlich auch unfruchtbar werden kann. Psychisch könnte ich mir auch Verbesserungen erhoffen. Jedoch nehme ich auch seither eine Pille gegen Akne, wodurch ich die Sorge habe, dass diese bei Abbruch wieder ausbrechen wird.
Ich finde auch keine Alternative, die mir zusagt. Spirale sei etwas für nach der Schwangerschaft, und der Rest ist vorwiegend ebenso hormongesteuert. Nur auf Kondome möchte ich nicht setzen.
Ich bitte daher um euren Rat und werde mich natürlich auch mit meinem Frauenarzt zusammensetzen.
The spiral or copper spiral can also be set without a pregnancy and there are different sizes – look at me😅 I had 2 different sizes. also gives the copper chain
The Symptothermal method could also be something for you. I use it https://trackle.de/
The infertility is a rumor – let’s think: a single forgotten pill can lead to failure of the pill under unfavorable circumstances (do not correct mistakes) and that you can get pregnant – no matter whether you take the pill for 2 years or for 12 years.
In addition, the uterus has grown when the first rule comes. You probably won’t get the pill before your first rule.
That with the acne – yes, of course, it can come back. The pill is a causal treatment for acne – it blocks the effect of male hormones, which are known to trigger the acne – but it does not provide any final healing. But you may hope that a puberty acne would have gone away sometime, and then you don’t need the pill for acne anymore.
I personally think the pill is a very good method of contraception, and in fact most women with the pill also have far more health benefits than disadvantages.
If you want to put it off, you could take condoms as a single method of contraception and put the pill after that in the case of cases in the drawer.
It’s not a rumor, two women who got infertile through the pill. but there are
Ds means they already had children before, they only took the pill for a short time, they had no infections that could have affected fertility, they then did not get children with the same partner (although the partner had no infections in the meantime), and the pill was identified as the cause of infertility without doubt? It’s almost a medical miracle.
There is not the perfect contraceptive. All have their advantages and disadvantages. You just have to look at what’s most important and what you want to buy for it. A spiral can also be set if you don’t have children. But copper spirals zb may increase the menstruation problems. I personally take the pill since I am 15, am now 23. I also consider putting them down at the end of the year after my Master’s thesis. In the worst case, you can still take them. For me, condoms would be the means of choice.
Everything with hormones is already falling flat when they were the reason for putting off the pill. Then remain:
Condom and Femidom as a barrier method, with femidom being the more insecure of both and with it being out for me.
Spiral (gold/copper…). But on the one hand, I would have been afraid of it and that it may have to be slipped or removed again and then it was quite costly for nothing. Moreover, the pain can be stronger during the period.
There are also chain or ball of copper, but this is similar to the spiral, whereby the chain zb could be more suitable for you, as it is thinner and can also be suitable for wars before the child.
Then there’s NFP. With symptothermal method a relatively safe method of contraception, but I do not dare the whole thing about the way and would rather be annoying to have to measure the temperature daily at the same time and observe the cervix mucus. And in the fertile time you should still use a condom. Then always condoms.
In the event that the condom tears there is still the pill after.
If I forgot something, I’d like to add.
In most cases, contraceptive pills contain synthetic hormones called estrogen and progesterone and are called combination pills. These hormones influence the menstruation cycle in various ways, for example by preventing ovulation and allowing sperm in the uterus. Please note that contraceptive pills are a drug and can cause side effects and do not provide definitive protection against sexually transmitted diseases. It is advisable to consult a doctor or pharmacist before taking contraceptive pills.
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