
Abend Freunde,

ich wollte euch fragen, wie eure Erfahrungen mit der Pille ist. Ich überlege sie als Verhütungsmittel zu nehmen, da ich den anderen nicht klar komme.Würde mich freuen wenn ihr Eure schlechten sowohl auch gute Erfahrungen mal schreiben könntet.

Danke im Voraus!

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3 months ago

In the network you find mostly negative reports of experience – the silent majority are users without problems. Because why should someone post that he does not have any unwanted side effects?

Nevertheless, the pill is a serious drug with potentially serious risks and side effects. Not for free, the pill is prescription-only and, like all medicines, can also cause undesirable side effects, which can happen – but does not have to.

I’ve kept everything together for about 20 years until the child’s request without any side effects with pill.

She has met my expectations, I was well driven by it and had no problems – no “hidden” that showed up only after decommissioning.

My cycle was once again regular (have bleededed like a broken pig again) and I became pregnant as desired within fewer exercise cycles.

Happy for you!

3 months ago

Many side effects of the pill (or generally of hormonal contraception) are simply taken as given. Here the natural hormone balance is actively and massively influenced, which should always be clear. Side effects such as depressive misconceptions, headaches, loss of libido, sometimes even changes of nature are rarely thematized but are very often recognizable and are taken or even not associated with contraception.

Of course, however, there are also positive sides such as the high level of safety in the case of proper application or also improvement of menstrual complaints. In some preparations the period remains complete and this is often desired.

However, it should not be overlooked how violently it affects your body and handle it responsibly.

3 months ago
Reply to  Schniddn

The nw are the exception and not the rule – the data can be viewed at the EMA, for example

3 months ago
Reply to  sarah3

See what is categorized under “often” and “very often”;)

3 months ago

You’re welcome to understand what’s going on with NW!

When looking at the EMA for example the data about Drovelis are the most frequentNw with 3% bleeding changes

3 months ago

Very good as all friends and generally over 90% of women only positive experiences. Safe, good and comfortable