pieptöne im ohr?
hallo ich bin 14 und hab seitdem ich wach bin im rechten ohr so komische pieptöne. das ist jetzt schon seid längerer zeit durchgehend. mein rechtes ohr fühlt sich such irgendwie komisch an, kann es nd richtig beschreiben. aber hat jemand eine ahnung was das sein könnte?
This is called tinnitus and has a lot of possible causes. the HNO doctor helps to find them.
Maybe a tinnitus should go to the ear doctor if it doesn’t stop!
The Kliiingt wiiie Tiiiniiitus.
I still hear the echo of my drill, which I used thirty years ago without hearing protection. In the ear, sensory cells have been damaged which hardly regenerate.
For you, this means that you have to deal with the volume “saving” to avoid getting even more of the permanent puppy. Music quieter, especially in headphones and ear plugs in loud machines.