Pico balla Haribo Gelb grün stich komischeFarbe?
Hat die gelbe sorte pico balla bei euch auch einen grün stich. Meine Freundin hat angst das das nich normal is. Die is sehr pingelich mit essen [sie hat die Packung heute gekauft(: .] ICH WETTE DAS IS IS NORMAL is nichmal so hart
You know, you know, you know, you know, you don’t have to worry about funny colors.
Of 100g, that’s 61g sugar. That’s all right.
Do not forget the colour and aromas. It may happen that they mix a little and “match” the colors
Light production mistakes maybe, but nothing that would make the stuff unhealthy…
And you only eat fruit and vegetables?
No, but I find these things disgusting because they just taste disgusting. Not even my energy drink is so unhealthy, that’s what I mean.
All right, I got you. Was meant more than fun…
That was not permission. This is just a hint that you have your own opinion that you respect. As long as I don’t have to take this opinion, you can find what you want.
thanks for your permission XD
You can find that.
Your energy drink? Did you make one yourself? I don’t think Energys taste so much.
Looks normal, in case of doubt, you’re throwing this one fruit gum away.
Normal pigobello
Where’s that green?
This is a normal Haribo rubber.
They always look like that.