Pickel im Rachen?
Ich habe seit einigen Monaten einen komischen Pickel im Rachen. Wie mandelsteine sieht es nicht aus. Werde ich jetzt sterben müssen? Ich ruf morgen natürlich beim hno Arzt an aber vielleicht hatte jemand dasselbe und kann mir sagen was es sein könnte.
It’s great that after a few months you’ll be “intuitionally” at the HNO. You will definitely not die.
These are saliva stones. Tonsils. You can get out.
tonsils remove arzt – Google Search
for me, it looks more like Eiter and there is no salivary gland in place
Turn to the doctor of your trust, is a laity forum, here such things cannot be resolved in a sound manner.
I’ll go to the doctor or something. But since you don’t get an appointment so fast at the hno, I’d like to know what it could be
No one’s gonna say that.
This is a layman forum, many who answered have previously asked google… here asking a medical question is pointless.