Pickel bei Pille??
Hey Leute, ich nehme seit einiger Zeit die Pille! Seit ich sie nehme, hatte ich jetzt ein paar Pickel (schmerzhaft) am po und im Intim bereich was soll ich dagegen tun? Es ist echt schmerzhaft. Kennt jemand sowas? Und was hilft dagegen?
What pill do you take?
In minipills, the female hormone lacks estrogen, which is responsible for beautiful skin and hair. The mini pellet contains only a synthetic gestagen. The gestagens in the minipills with Desogestrel and Levonorgestrel are known for promoting skin impurities or also acne. The staging in the mini pellet with Drospirenon has an antiandrogen effect and thus has a positive effect on the skin.
However, even with certain micropills (low dosed combination prepreperates), skin impurities can occur if the composition of the pill is not matched to your hormone balance.
So you should sit with the doctor again. Moreover, the “right” pill can best be determined by checking the hormone status. In practice, blood is removed and sent to the laboratory. On the basis of the results, the female doctor can suggest the right pill.
You need the pill for medical reasons. May I ask what exactly to be treated?
apparently you don’t wear the pill. Incompatibility varies from person to person. Some have nothing, some have already and what side effects in incompatibility are always different. For example, I had the problem of nausea about 5 hours after taking.
The pill and hormonal contraception, however, is generally not good at all and I advise you about it! However, it is your decision.:)
Go to the women’s doctor, write a different kind of pill and explain to your gyn what complaints you have.
If it doesn’t change despite the pill change, choose a different method of contraception.
otherwise I wish you a good improvement and a nice day 🙂
Hey! I take the pill also for medical reasons. Why do not put it as perfect would be
I also have to take them for medical reasons, had problems and I changed to another kind of pill I got prescribed to the female doctor. Try it first:) do you have endometriosis?