
Hallo ihr Alle. Erstmal vorweg: Ich habe am 11.7 einen Termin beim Hautarzt. Ich bin aber so verzweifelt was ich tun soll. Ich fühle mich entstellt und möchte gar nicht mehr raus gehen. Ich hatte nie nie Probleme mit meiner Haut im Gesicht. Jetzt plötzlich explodiert alles. Ich esse nicht anders, benutze keine neuen Produkte. Hat jemand eine Idee was das sein könnte und vielleicht eine Idee was ich noch tun kann?
Danke für eure Antworten.

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9 months ago

Evtl. can help plant juices; such as Brennessel, Löwenzahn and Schachtelhalm . Brennessel detoxifies e.g. . Also as strong tea over the day it should go. There is a nettle / lion tooth tea as well as a herbal tea for the skin . In the teas it is good to let them pull for the active ingredients long. In plant juices, a small bottle lasts for about a week, so you can make a cure over 4-6 weeks with different varieties.

9 months ago

Unfortunately, you have to go through how many others at your age.

Very often the cause is a wrong diet and a disturbed hormone balance.

Google for solutions. You need patience and consequence for this, don’t go from here to tomorrow.

9 months ago
Reply to  MonaL252

Not necessarily, only the skin doctor will be able to help you. Hold on. 👍😎

9 months ago
Reply to  MonaL252

Then you should take a look at your life. Hopefully, the dermatologist can help you. Good luck.