Hello, I asked here for my girlfriend who had a big pimple at the entrance to her vagina! Yesterday it burst, and pus and blood came out. She said it smelled weird. Today it's smaller, but when she was cleaning it, she wiped it off and applied a little pressure, and then blood came out again. What should she do? She has mental health issues and worries about such things.
It’s good that the Eiter and Dreck get out.
It can help with this ZugSalbe that all Eiter and Talg RAUS are pulled. So that it can cure from INNEN, through the innate healing power. And there’s nothing in there. The dirt must be pulled out ALL with the ZugSalbe.
Unfavourable place for the association. But this can be cut with cotton laps from the old shirt, as a template on it.
Careful, nothing infected with your fingers. Do lumps in freezer bags and dispose of them in the rest.
Based all-round info for the ointment.
Is it the normal when it wipes off and comes with some pressure then blood is probably also nen tosel thick
Yes, because there are a lot of fine blood vessels.
It’s not bad. The little blood swept Eiter out. She has a few liters of blood. That always renews with the rule.
She’s just supposed to make sure she doesn’t screw up the slippers. Use templates. She can also stick it in the slipper. Better than cotton. _ Add ointment to the panties.
😊 normal 😊, was verstehen Menschen unter normal. Das Wort erklärt nichts.
Meine Erklärungen waren aussagekräftiger und hoffentlich hilfreich 💛.
So normal
Let the “Pickel” heal. Meht doesn’t exist.