Piano Pedale Hilfe?
Ich habe nicht wirklich wissen über Piano Pedalen. Ich spiele auch nicht professionell oder so. Ich habe mir eine Piano Pedale geholt. Was ich nicht verstehe, wenn ich eine Taste drücke wird der Ton automatisch lang gespielt, ohne das ich die Pedale drücke. Ist das normal. Ich dachte der Ton wird erst lang gezogen, wenn die Pedale trete. Liegt es an der Pedale oder muss ich was an den Einstellungen vom Piano ändern.
This is a probe for a program switchover or a threshold
A Sustain pedal is with catch 6.3 Mono
here by Adam Hall as SP 1
Depending on the manufacturer, there are pedals as an opener or closer. Sometimes you can adjust the “damper switch polarity” on the keyboard.
If not, you need another pedal.
The picture looks like Roland, who use openers. (So press NO contact)
I know that from the pedal of my piano… If there is no reset button anywhere, you should find the solution in the attached info raise. In mine, for example, you have to press the top button while you turn on the piano.
So what you got is not a pedal. I’ll send you a link for a pedal.
M-Audio SP-2 — Universal sustain pedal with piano mechanism, the ideal accessory for MIDI keyboards, digital pianos, electronic keyboards and more, black
https://amzn.eu/d/6jGioG M-Audio SP-2 — Universal sustain pedal with piano mechanism, the ideal accessory for MIDI keyboards, digital pianos, electronic keyboards and more, black
love greetings
Sometimes, when you press the pedal while you turn on the piano, the settings are turned around.