Piaggio Zip 50 4t startet schlecht?

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ich besitze seit einer Woche einen Piaggio ZIP 50 4t. Wenn ich den Roller starten will, und er schon länger aus wahr. Muss ich teilweise 3-4 mal für ein paar Sekunden den E-Starter gedrückt halten bis der Roller anspringt. Könnte das an den Temperaturen liegen? Und muss man vorm Starten einmal “Gas” geben?

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5 years ago

Batterie evtl too weak . new costs from 15€.. Kickstarting is coming right now?

Depending on the model, you should actually activate the gas handle 2 to 3 times.



5 years ago
Reply to  Liam06

Do it. Wouldn’t it be laughed if we don’t get it?)

5 years ago

Oha, so it’s in the cylinder head. It’s the first thing to change before we get in. I’ll see if I find something suitable.

5 years ago

Actually, you shouldn’t give any gas when you start, just like the car.

The just 4T in winter worsening is unfortunately not rare, mainly depends on how well maintained it is and how often it is moved. When my Kymco was standing for two weeks, it’s a minute.
If he runs every day, it takes just a few seconds.

5 years ago
Reply to  TerraMoto

Depending on the model, you should actually activate the gas handle 2 to 3 times.