Hallo zusammen!
Mein Physiklehrer hat auf 2 verschiedene Arbeitsblätter 2 verschiedene Formeln :
t= S * a durch 2 und t= die Wurzel aus 2 * S durch a
Sind das jetzt 2 verschiedene Formeln oder eine gleiche Formel, nur umgestellt?
Falls es zwei verschiedene Formeln sind, welche davon ist richtig? (Es geht um Beschleunigung)
Danke im Voraus! 🙂
For constant acceleration, s=a*t2/2 => t2=2s/a and t=sqrt(2s/a)
Which formula where is valid and where not depends on the context. But I wrote down the connection from a distance and time with evenly accelerated movement.
The first formula is not true because of the units. m*m/s2 are m2/s2 and no time.
Thank you!
The “Formula” there is not. The unit on the right is
and this is not a unit of time and no factor 2 or 1/2 changes anything.
t=sa does not exist
time is not stretch times acceleration
‘t=s*a by 2’ 🙂
How is the division to change the dimension by two?
may be, I always notice s=1/2 at2
No, it’s also wrong, it should
t=Wurzel (2s/a)
I can’t assign the first.
S = 1/2 a
t = ✓(2s/a)
The first ‘formula’ is totally wrong! There’s no such thing. You could also remember that on the basis of the units…
the first formula is accordingly incorrect