Physik oder Sprachprofil?
Stehe kurz vor der Profilwahl in der Oberstufe und kann zwischen den beiden nicht entscheiden.
Ich hab Top Noten in 1.,2. und 3. Fremdsprache, bin aber in Physik auch zwischen 1 und 2.
Ich habe aber sehr Respekt vor Physik als Profilfach, da man ja schon immer hört dass es sehr anspruchsvolle sein soll.Trotzdem interessiert es mich und ich bin jemand der gerne Arbeit in meine akademischen Interessen steckt.
Da ich jetzt aber kürzlich gehört habe, man solle eher die Fächer wählen in denen man am besten ist bin ich mir unsicher mit Physik.
Was würdet ihr an meiner Stelle tun?bzw. hat jemand aus Schleswig-Holstein sogar in Physik Abi gemacht und kann berichten?
It’s good that you’re thinking about it and not just selecting something like that.
Step 1: Consider how much motivation and interest you have to learn and what your focus is on learning.
Step 2: Consider how much effort you want to do and whether you want something more complex or not.
Step 3: In what professional direction do you want?
It is important to choose what you really want and not to be strongly influenced by others. I wish you a lot of success.
LG OliviaP
Do what is best for you and what you like to do and what interests you. Then it becomes good and learning is easier.
If you want to study an STEM subject later, you can take advantage of the funding courses of the uniniversities before and during your studies and during the semester holidays.
I just have to choose a course branch.I decide I believe in the natural science branch.I will get physics as a main subject.Informatics,Biology and Chemistry become more important. Especially computer science will be quite important later.Physics is also important but more demanding.Abitur shouldn’t choose physics in any case(too hard).It depends on which languages to choose.Bin from the Saarland, therefore, there is a lot different for you.Geh nac your gut feeling!
The decision cannot take you, I have now also chosen My subjects and decided for physics, although I am also top language.
What do you care? That was crucial to me. Interest and future wishes. What do I want to be? What do I need? What I want to study, etc….
The interest is in any case in physics, but if I am worse in the final exam than in English, for example, this has a negative effect on my average
Yeah, that’s clear, but you’d rather “torment” yourself through a compartment that doesn’t make you any fun, you might have a better note. Or you decide for a subject where you are possible or not – a lesser note, interested in it.