Physik Beschleunigenarbeit Aufgabe?

Hallo Leute, ich weiß bei der Aufgabe nicht weiter.

,,Ein PKW wird mit einer Kraft von 600N über eine Strecke von 25m beschleunigt. Wie groß ist die verrichtete Beschleunigungsarbeit. (m = 1t)” Nimmt man da jetzt 0,5m x v² oder W=F x s ?

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2 years ago

W=F × s shall be applied in the case.

E(kin)= m×v^2/2 would be the current kinetic energy. Since you do not know the beginning or the end speed, it doesn’t help you much.

If the speeds were known, the kinetic energy at the beginning plus the acceleration energy would have to be the kinetic energy at the end of the acceleration process.

2 years ago
Reply to  LAM17

It can also be calculated using kinetic energy. It’s gonna be a gloomy computer, you don’t have to do that. Not really 😉

2 years ago

Both are possible to find something

Where, strictly speaking, you must not use a conservation equation because nothing has been said to losses.