was sind Unterschiede und Zusammenhänge zwischen der magnetischen Kraft und der Lorentzkraft? Danke schonmal
was sind Unterschiede und Zusammenhänge zwischen der magnetischen Kraft und der Lorentzkraft? Danke schonmal
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Z. B. : im Alltag?
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Hello, I am not an expert now, but I can say from an experience (it did this year in the 10th) that the Lorentz force is the force on charge carriers in a magnetic field. A magnetic field and current flow are therefore always necessary for the Lorentz force. Current flows when loads move through a conductor. After Oersted it is also possible to say that when charges move in a conductor, a magnetic field also arises around this conductor. Conversely, a magnetic field can also generate current (-> electromagnetic induction). The Lorentz force now acts on these charges.
In general you can use the Lorentzkraft with:
wherein q corresponds to the charge, b corresponds to the flux density (i.e. a lot of magnetic flux flows through a specific surface) and v corresponds to the velocity.
You can also use the right hand rule to determine the Lorentz force:
The thumb shows in the direction of the current (technical current direction from Plus to -)
The index finger shows in the direction of the magnetic field
The middle finger shows the direction of the Lorentz force
There is also the left hand rule, where you then point the thumb to the physical current direction (from – to +).
In general, it can now be said that the Lorentz force is generated from the two components magnetic field and current flow.