ich hab seit 2 jahren eine vollständige phimose auf meiner eichel hat sich smegma gebildet allerdings hab ich mich 2 jahre lang nicht getraut es meinen eltern zu sagen da es zu peinlich für mich ist. ich bitte euch um rat und möchte wissen was meine besten möglichkeiten sind am besten ohne meinen eltern etwas zu sagen
Go to a doctor alone. And because of the Smegmas: care for body hygiene. Just because the foreskin doesn’t go behind the acorn doesn’t mean there’s no water coming.
No not even 1 mm back
If that’s so narrow, let’s cut you best
Ow. Yes, and to the doctor. Even if it is not pleasant. Each alternative is 1000 times more unpleasant.
And even without withdrawing it is possible to use water. Take a bath and see what’s going on. I don’t know the situation, but I can’t hurt. Right?
If you’re 14 years old, you can just go to the doctor alone.
If I were you, I would have done an appointment with the doctor for a long time.
He can find out exactly how to help you, and whether you’re around a circumcision.
If it’s not that
Helps nix, get to the doctor. You don’t have to tell your parents any details.
Just make an appointment with the doctor and then just tell your parents what’s going on, there’s nothing embarrassing about it
bro, 2 years I don’t believe it. Relax and let the doc explain.
How about washing so that the Smegma disappears.
does not go through the phimose
you can push back the foreskin.
At some point, the Smegma crumbles by itself because it is an organic substance and should then fall out of your acorn tip, at least stands in the textbooks.
because of the smell
and how do you know that Smegma has formed if you can’t explore the world behind the foreskin?
Hmmm… since when does a pimosis develop in such a short time?
Helps nix, you should go to the doctor.
Again, a circumcision fan waiting for someone to recommend circumcision or something. No phimosis doesn’t come back, that’s nonsense. At least not in a healthy man/boy.