Nursing internship in Italy experiences and recommendations?
Hi, I would like to complete 2 months of my nursing internship in Italy.
I speak Italian quite well and would now like to write to a hospital.
Has anyone had any experience with this? Also regarding activities, credits, housing, and communication?
I would also be very happy to receive recommendations from hospitals!
Do you understand everything, including specialist language, and can you express yourself in such a way that patients understand you clearly? If not, it would be irresponsible to take care of you beyond simple ailments in the hospital.
Let yourself go and give you two months all the time, let you work under supervision, and Italian technical forces have no time. There is no added value for the hospital.
But don’t stop. You can always send an application and maybe I see it wrong. I just had the worst experience in the hospital in Easter when I was a patient with staff who had massive mental problems.