Pflanzliche Östrogene?

Mir ist aufgefallen, dass viele Lebensmittel mit hohem proteingehalt oft auch viel phytoöstrogene (pflanzliche Östrogene) aufweisen.

Für Männer die Muskeln aufbauen wollen ist das natürlich schade.

Gibt es einen Weg diese phytoöstrogene loszuwerden?

Durch Hitze vielleicht?

Indem man diese Lebensmittel röstet, brät ect?

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1 year ago


on the topic it is important to worry that the influence of phytoestrogens on the hormone balance can vary individually and many men do not notice any negative effects. Although phytoestrogens have weaker estrogenic activity than the body’s own estrogen, their consumption in some men can cause concerns regarding muscle build-up.

Your method is effective yes. The content of phytoestrogens can be reduced by roasting, roasting or cooking. But, not all phytoestrogens are heat sensitive and the effect can vary depending on the type and method of preparation.

There is still fermentation, but this is not really helpful. Tempeh or miso fermented soy products can have fewer phytoestrogens after fermentation, but can again vary depending on the type and method of preparation.

1 year ago

Hi, unfortunately, no, I can very well imagine, but these are guesses apologise

1 year ago

For men who want to build muscles, that’s a shame of course.

Why is that? Phytoestrogens have nothing to do with the female sex hormone estrogen. Phytoestrogens are secondary plant substances that have no influence on your muscle structure.

Is there a way to get rid of these phytoestrogens?

No. Don’t have to be. If you haven’t built muscles in a year, it’s not about phytoestrogens, but a wrong training.
