Buy a horse-drawn carriage?

Where can I buy a horse-drawn carriage? I've searched everywhere online and can't find anything. I'm looking for one that's still rideable. A two-horse carriage, meaning it's for two horses.

Something like this: TWO-HORSE

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4 years ago

Used by advertising markets or remade by the car manufacturer. I know that every car has to be built.

4 years ago
Reply to  Urlewas

Thanks for the star 💫,

and what else: in order to be able to drive these two cars, one would only have to replace the scissors against a dike.

The best way to find a carriageyard is to keep you with the carriage. He may have a tip where a car is offered, or may recommend a manufacturer to you where he has built it.

2 years ago

I’m planning a car with a wooden construction. The journey is still far away, but should also go longer. Have you been successful with your search and where is the trip going?

4 years ago

you can call the corresponding page from the image search after clicking the image.

the dinger hot plan cars or gypsy cars.

and otherwise you have to ask at the holiday provider you copy 1 away, where you can buy it.

please take more details with the right-wing people. bilderklau can be expensive.

4 years ago

I found something similar at ebay, under “Westernwagen”

The right “tinker” cars are probably only available in Ireland.

4 years ago

Don’t you find anything usable under “plank”? It could also be quite easy to add to wood construction.

4 years ago

I like the train horse on the first picture. I would also like this nice animal as a riding animal.

4 years ago

Enter a cart and horse carriage on eBay classifieds.

4 years ago

Google time after “Zirkuswagen Schäferwagen build”. You come to a dealer who builds things.