Horse film casting agency?
I know there are many casting agencies. Are there any that are exclusively or frequently for horse films? I can't find anything, but maybe you have more information?
PS: I apologize in advance for my spelling etc.
I know there are many casting agencies. Are there any that are exclusively or frequently for horse films? I can't find anything, but maybe you have more information?
PS: I apologize in advance for my spelling etc.
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Hello I have a Shetland pony mare that I share in my care, and I was wondering what beginner circus lessons I could teach her? Oh, and unfortunately, she doesn't have a cavesson yet (the noseband is too tight), but I'll be buying a new one soon. Greetings Tabea 😄
There are enough agencies in this direction.
I don’t know.
the normal way is that you ask at an agency for the mediation of filming what they need to take you into their cardi.
with security, meaningful photos and videos belong to the species old, breed and description of the animal, as well as a “life race” of the animal and special skills.
these agencies not only mediate for films, but also for advertising. the makers of films ask animals at the agencies and when your animal comes into question you will be notified where and when you have to find the animal.
If it’s not about your animal, but about you, you can enter into a list of statistics with an agency – also with as expressive and professional images and meaningful information about you. These include the hobbys. for a horse film you will be most booked if you have been riding for a long time and have your own horse.
casted for films is usually only when there are many statist applications or it’s about talking. the role of statist or something else, which goes beyond the pure activity as a statist, and for this at least one language training or vocal education is helpful. for example