Pferde Futter abgelaufen trotzdem füttern?
Hallo ich habe (Siehe Bild) 2 Säcke Pferde Futter geschenkt bekommen – es hieß nur es sei schon abgelaufen und nicht mehr zum verkaufen – scheinbar auch eigentlich teuer das Zeug , 27 Euro für 15 Kilo
MHD 10.06.2021
wurde immer trocken gelagert und sieht auch noch normal aus
futterhaus meinte man kann es noch füttern
was sagt ihr ? Ich kenne das Futter an sich nicht , ist gepresste reiskleie oder, soll lt Internet super Futter zum Muskel Aufbau sein
I think of the durability is nothing to do if it is locked/orderly stored. Only I wouldn’t feed anything like that. Does your horse even need KF? Is it especially the food? Is it true of other feeding? It’s just because it’s not a reason for me to feed it.
That’s right.
Yeah, so I’ve always fed my horse power feed 🙂 and I can try it. I don’t know anyone who feeds the rogue, but don’t mean that I don’t get a little information and feed it
pure reiskleie is not much other than weizenkleie.
are carbohydrates from the rice in it, behave in the body of the horse as if you feed sugar.
By the way, carbohydrates do not promote the muscle structure, but the fat pölsterchen.
muscles need protein.
We’ll get it.
If it was original closed and not knocked, just too.
I’ve done this, too.
all over 30 years old
No there should be nothing about it and so test the durability it is apparently closed.
The date means the MINDEST durability date – so it was stable at least until 10.06. It’ll be fine if you feed it.
If the horse gets a colic, but you? Because you guarantee that nothing happens.
I understand your worries, but the food store said you can feed it. I’d do it, but if you’re too insecure, let it stay. Love
Oh, sorry.
As I said, I’m not the FS! I didn’t answer myself.
Answers from the FS are stored orange 😉
She didn’t ask the question! Just commented on your answer.
That’s okay, but why did you ask the question? You just answered her yourself. Love
I’m not the FS.
I would never risk it or recommend feeding expired food. Horses are so prone to colic, it would be easy to do.