Pferd vom Boden aus gymnastizieren?
Keine möglichkeit um doppel-longe zu mache oder zu longieren (momentan).
Kann leider nicht rückwärtsrichten und enge Wendungen machen.
Hat jemand Ideen wie/was ich machen könnte um das Pferd vom Boden aus zu gymnastizieren?
Handmade –> sidewalks, transitions, over bars, longing over the entire track, depart from the ground, long trains,…
The question is yes – why can’t you currently not long, no turns go? Injury?
If so, I would strongly advise you to start something on my own. No matter what it’s like, in the stupidest case, you’re still worsening the situation.
Find a trained training therapist who can help you with specific diagnoses both during the acute phase and during reconstruction and recommend specific exercises that suit your situation.
You can also extend on a wider forest path or a meadow if necessary. “I don’t have a chance” is an excuse.
Generally, I would recommend you to look for a trainer who will teach you the groundwork for this horse! There seem to be some construction sites here, and before you ignorantly whisper around, it’s always better to get the professional first and then learn together.