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1 year ago

Can be necessary if horses have age-related and/or illness problems with metabolism ergo fur change. Can also be useful for one or other tournament horse, but then actually only in the professional sector – leisure riders do not train as intensively in winter as jmd, who earns his money.

In principle, there is no sense in cutting healthy horses a hole into the winter jacket, which I then have to stick back with 12ndruffzich blankets, only for 1 or also 1.5-2h work a day. As a leisure rider, idR is not a problem to adapt the work, especially in winter. Then you ride a few minutes dry and patschnass ride doesn’t have to be anyway. Intensive training at cold temperatures has even more negative effects than “just” sweat, even if it takes place in the warm hall.

1 year ago

On the horse

I have a young mare that sweats a lot, the other rather little. The young I sometimes heavy on my neck and partly a stripe back, the other I’ve never sworn

It depends on the training and on the posture and there are just different ways to heavy or even just trim

1 year ago

I’m looking at the horse. A friend of mine has a Shetty and this has still extremely thick fur in the summer and sweats very quickly. That’s why we swore them together, and that was a very good idea, as she then sweated less. Another horse at the stable has a disease that it has a lot of fur in the summer and that’s why it’s also sworn what’s good for him. But I don’t see the scissors as necessary, because actually (for healthy horses) the change of fur should work.

1 year ago

If the horses do not have to compete in warm halls (e.g. Schleyerhalle Stuttgart, Olympiahalle München, which are temperature-controlled) or are so restricted by metabolic diseases that there is at least one spark of quality of life, there is no plausible reason to shear.

As a rule, you don’t have to “adjust the training” – you should generally only ask for a horse, what you trained it for.

1 year ago

Except horses are sworn because you are sports horses and even though we do not go tournaments in winter, except perhaps Christmas and New Years tournament, our horses train in winter.

My pony has a lot of plush in winter, and I just think it’s a good idea to ride with it in winter.

I don’t want to do sports in a thick winter jacket either.

And at 2 to sometimes 3 horses I ride the day, it is hard to ride dry until the horses are dry with winter fur.

1 year ago

Come on. As much as necessary as possible.

1 year ago

Basically: No, I wouldn’t.

Exception: it is necessary for health

And no, it’s not necessary for health if I only shoot my horse because I want it all year round so it’s always clean when I get it for riding out of the box. Even if the horse otherwise sweats to death.