Pferd macht sich steif und zieht die Pobacken zusammen was tun?
Hallo, Bei meinem Pferd ist es so, das sie super läuft doch sobald ich sie stellen will, oder biegen möchte und auch nur die Zügel ein bisschen aufnehmen. Zeiht er den Pobacken zusammen und macht sich steif, sodass ich dann die zügel wieder locker lasse, um weiter reiten zu können.
Mit meinen Schenkeln komme ich dann gar nicht mehr durch und er trabt nur noch fast auf der Stelle.
Hat jemand eine Lösung für dieses Problem oder einen Tipp ? Ich möchte ihn doch einfach nur in Anlehnung reiten.
Vielen dank im voraus
your horse has returned.
causing… my unicorn is still out and plays with the crystal ball – that is, the veterinarian must come and the sattler and a huforthoped.
If the dentist should have the habit of pulling the tonnge out of the horse, it’s the cungenbein.
If the contradiction is in itself – runs super, but cannot be placed or even bent.
I’m afraid it’s a hand of concrete.
On the other hand, really good riding lessons, a different way of thinking, a critical self-reflectiveness of one riding style, more than a view over the edge of the plate and, above all, seat length, which specifically targets hips (central point) and independent hands.
With a tip apart from the above, it is unfortunately not done – your horse already shows that the current style does not fit.
Please also check teeth and get osteopath or physiotherapists. I’d probably be here with the physio.
To do this meaningful build work, e.g. correct longing at the carcass, classic handwork,… And above all a different angle of view combined with reasonable Riding lessons.
With osteopath or physiotherapist, I would always be for the veterinarian specialized in manual therapies: everything is in one and never only serves a manual form of therapy, so chooses the right method for each location, knows where the boundaries to school medicine are, is significantly cheaper and has really learned this – after a veterinary studies including professional practice in training places that are definitely good.
With the others, there are plenty of people who have had a weekend course for lay people, the institute where they were trained, after reading a book themselves, and telling the horse owner, they have to deal ten times – and probably hope that the problem up to treatment no. 10 will somehow be solved by themselves. I’ve never seen a treatment success as I see him at any manual specialist veterinarian on every visit. Even their own horses do not run after the treatment. And then on their price list are amounts where you ask yourself why horse owners pay for it to someone like that.
My observation is another – yes, it always comes to the human being. That’s clear & everywhere.
I meanwhile know some physiotherapists and osteopaths that live. Similar to hoof workers;) But I also know where people did the training and also know where it makes sense and makes no sense. Black sheep are found everywhere.
I’ve only been offered a few sessions – it’s not as if it couldn’t, but it was so perfectionist that it would never have been done on the horse. Overall also a very difficult person. Otherwise, my never used more than 1, max. 2 treatments in a row – but I am also concerned with health-promoting work, know his construction sites, have a touch of idea how I can solve it, work with massage pistol, back on track (or all heat), which is already much more than the Ottonormal rider, I would claim.
And by now I know some physics and osteos… However, there are also good, also good schools, which can be left almost unthinkable on the horse.
Whether the veterinarian is even more favourable with the new GOT, I dare to doubt 😉 Sometimes it really takes several sessions – with one lady here the last few days, for example, the horses also need more than 1 session until the damage has been resolved. Keep on the horse itself, on the style with which it was previously worked, on the attitude, on the people who work with the horse. That’s why I’m always so unbelievable when it’s called “Physio/Osteo haven’t found anything” – yes, it’s clear. These therapists are not to be used, but they were not really there.
Several meetings with people who repeatedly raise a problem are not several meetings, but again and again. Otherwise, the veterinarian is already obliged to stay until the problem is resolved, should it be fixable.
I think with the new GOT you don’t pay five times for the veterinarians as with the others. In the case of veterinarians I pay per appointment – the first is about double the following dates, i.e. if the horse, the people are aware of their way of working, … does not relate to the same problem. So far, initial dates were 100 euros and follow-up dates were 50 euros, with the new GOT now accusing me of following dates for 55. Acupuncture incl. needles, laser therapy, rechargeable battery, chiropractices, osteopathy, physiotherapy, training instructions, … all included. The other therapists add all this up, as I have often added the different treatment steps after their price list and had come to EUR 300 to 500.
I haven’t seen a single successful date yet.
let your horse look through at the osteo due to the fact that everything is okay let the sattler come. is probably a big blockade in the back. You should treat that.
Sattler, physio and dentist come. And then work with a good trainer on the problem, possibly a few months ride with subsequent companion. Maybe try biteless.
How does the horse react to the reins in manual work or double length?
Is it super or not? Can your horse ask what you’re asking for? Is it healthily capable of making teeth, hooves,… fitting the equipment, does it understand you? What do you mean? How much do you have when you take the reins?
It’s best if you were looking for a good trainer on site, but no one can see you here.
Is it “always” and/or even for other riders?