Pferd läuft auf dem Platz nach innen, Kopf ist außen?
Mein Pferd läuft auf dem Platz immer mit dem Kopf nach außen. Er will einfach nicht auf dem Hufschlag bleiben. Wenn ich ihn nach innen lenke läuft er über den Platz immer weiter nach innen.
Im Galopp auch, da hat er den Kopf auch wieder nach rechts gedreht aber läuft auf dem zweiten Hufschlag. Wie krieg ich dass hin das er ganz außen läuft aber nach innen schaut?
horse is not straight and has balance problems.
right ride is enough.
according to your own statement, you ride strongly over the hand and you galaxy with a horse that is totally wrong. that there hasn’t been a nasty crash yet, is almost a miracle.
the horse belongs professionally longed by someone who has learned this, at least three months the week. ridden the horse is completely in class for so long. later you can gradually replace the professional longing with professional riding.
If your horse is still young, it’s certainly because it just can’t balance well. In that case, you should get some help or something.
Please write your own answer or read what you come through at least and if you don’t understand, ask.
but half read, do not understand, and then such a comment – is not going. Not really.
Then you ride too much with the reins and too little with your seat and legs. Qualified teaching for both of you would certainly not be wrong
practice a lot of interior.
It may also be difficult for him or does not have the power to do so. here would help well groundwork. above all practice a lot of bend, position etc, stretch it and very important: make it warm or loose beforehand!
You can also work with pylons here.
Not straight, not in balance, not designed. Tensioning, inappropriate equipment… a combination of everything. Osteo and possibly Sattler on the horse, teeth are made? Coaches and the basics will work out, then you can build on it.
I’m sure it’s me. If others ride him, he won’t. Saddle teeth etc. fit!
Then why you haven’t been to the orthopedic is a real puzzle.
The advice remains the same: trainer! No one here sees you riding, so – Glass ball unfortunately broken…