Pferd einstellen gegen Stallarbeit?

Guten Morgen,

Ich erzähl es jetzt ganz von vorne.

Also, vor knappen 3 Wochen bekam der stall wo ich täglich bin ein neues Pony für den Schulbetrieb, ich habe die Besitzerin gefragt ob ich mich um das pony kümmern darf und sie meinte ja. Also habe ich angefangen sie zu longieren und bodenarbeit zu machen (ich bin viel zu groß für sie), leider hat sich herausgestellt das die Kleine Hufrehe hat, deshalb wäre sie zurück zu ihrem alten Besitzer gekommen bzw die hätten sie letzte Woche abholen sollen, aber sind nicht erschienen.

Ich weiß dass hört sich komplett bekloppt an, ich würde die Kleine gerne kaufen, des Problem ist das die Boxenmiete im stall sehr hoch ist, (umstellen könnte ich sie nicht da der jetzige stall nur knappe 10 min von mir entfernt ist und die restlichen Ställe alle mehr als 30 min und ich muss denn stall mit dem fahrrad erreichen können) und deshalb hab ich überlegt ob ich der besi anbiete, dass ich sie kaufe, dafür in dem ferien am Wochenende und mach der schule um Stall mithelfen und dafür kann sie da stehen bleiben ich würde aber sonst alle Kosten tragen.

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4 years ago

If you can’t even afford the box rental, how do you want to pay the treatment and medication for the sick pony?

4 years ago

I did this with my horse. After a year, I ended up with the money, the strength and the nerves and had to give it back.
So I have to advise you on your own experience.

4 years ago

Well, I don’t know what the stable rent costs. You’d have to work with us for a long time. So pure theoretically, there would be such a minijob, I think that’s 12 hours. In the week? But dsnn you also need something for the forge and so, and you probably would have only a little time for your horse

4 years ago

Anyone who advises you something else does not know what it means to bear the financial responsibility for a horse.

It is an already ill horse. And in addition, one thing that is not through you – even in phases where it is better – can be done. At some point, it will be dissatisfied to have the cost and workload by an animal and to clean out, pay and create nothing to do with it. And if you’re at a stable together with riders, the desire to ride is inevitable. But even if one disregards all this – the costs, for an animal-responsible treatment of a deer horse cannot be compensated by boxers.

And then once again you come to a poor pony, which belongs to a theoretically really dear and emphatical person, but who cannot afford a veterinarian if he is necessary, and which is tormented for precisely this reason. Animal love looks different!

Animal love also means knowing when one is not able to fulfil the necessary responsibilities and then to do without them, precisely because it is better for the living being.

4 years ago

because the pony already has a pre-disorder would leave the fingers away

because quite a veterinarian can pay for you your bill does not go on as you also have to learn to school

4 years ago

It all depends on how much it costs, how much money you have, etc.

4 years ago

If the box rental is already very high, you will also have to work a lot for it.

And that’s what you have as a student only limited time.

And the purchase price also includes costs for the feed and the veterinarian. How are you gonna do this?

4 years ago

Also the stable has to come at its expense and cannot give away boxes.

a horse with deer will also have high veterinarian costs, that you will not be able to do anything alone.

I would try to sell the horse as an assisting horse

4 years ago
Reply to  Lysandra13

A rehe horse is not suitable as an orderer – at most for a different rehealth horse, which is optimally kept according to the rehealing disease.

4 years ago

And what if the pony gets sick? Or hurt? How do you pay the TA?

Or what if the stable besi suddenly gets sick or anything else happens to her and the stable closes or gets a new owner?

What if you start training or studying and no longer have time to spend the whole day in the stable?

Keeping a horse is now expensive. And it wouldn’t be fair to the horse to build the whole thing on shaky legs – because if anything comes in between, the pony must bathe it out.

4 years ago

Definitely not!

I don’t think you can do so much stable work and even if you have to consider other running costs! You need to pay hoofsmith, dentist, veterinarian, food, equipment etc. I can’t imagine you can afford it if you can’t even pay the stable rent. Especially if she has Hufrehe it will certainly be very expensive. I used to have a deer horse and we spent over 1000 euros in a few months only for the treatment.

4 years ago

a horse costs much more than just the stable rental. Especially if the horse is already sick, you have to count on high veterinarian bills. If you buy a horse, you should always have at least 5,000€ on the side, just for the horse.

4 years ago

Such constructs have high risks. You have to do what is required of you, even if that may become more and more. You’re dependent on the stable, even if you’re messing with the stable. What to find new is then not only difficult from the financial/temporal aspect, but also has to fit for a deer horse. How are you going to take care of the horse if your time for stable work is on it? School, family, there are still.

Can you afford a rehepony? Veterinary, medication, special hoof treatment, etc.?

4 years ago

If you can’t afford the box rental, what do you pay veterinarian costs, hoofing, fodder, etc?

4 years ago

When you reach the stable by bike you have either too little money to afford a car, let alone a horse – or you are too young to have a driving licence at all. Then you will hardly be able to earn so much monthly to afford a horse.

If you’re under 18, you can’t offer the owner to buy the horse – you can’t do that legally.

And the barn will hardly answer your offer. They then need a work force that comes to the reliable at certain times and not only comes on weekends and holidays. In addition, if it would be enough to work so little that I can afford a horse, I would not work 40h more 😉

4 years ago

Why you should forget to tell the others come and the others come and I can only give them right.