Pferd eindecken wenn es immer in der box stand?

Hey sollte man ein pferd das immer in der Box eingedeckt war und jetzt bei Regen und Wind im offenstall steht eindecken wenn es Dauerregen und 10 Grad sind?

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1 year ago

At 10 degrees, healthy horse even in rain it almost never needs the blanket.

Which horse is always in the box?

1 year ago

This is also race-dependent, even like thick fur the horse produces. In the case of heavy rain, the horse should not stand outside (if you do not go to the shelter). In the rain a maybe an outdoor/rain blanket. If you notice this is cold to your horse then maybe a slightly thicker blanket.

1 year ago

I don’t understand:

You bought a horse that was standing in pure boxing and was covered up until yesterday?

And that’s what you put JETZT in an openhouse?

Then of course the animal must remain covered ( breathable (!) waterproof (!) Blanket with 100 g), everything else I find unfriendly.

Next year, when the horse was in this position all summer and got used to it and produced corresponding fur, you can leave the ceiling naturally.

1 year ago


Of course I can only talk about my horse. Mine is only covered when it gets really cold and it doesn’t change anymore. If there are gaps in the open pit, I’d rather not make a blanket up. But if there are little and small distances, a 0g rain blanket might be a good solution. So I’d rather cover up, but with 0g!
Greetings – Liliz10

1 year ago
Reply to  liliz10

The blankets are so heavy that the horse can no longer raise the hair under the ceiling.

Frequently freezing horses under Og blankets.

1 year ago

If horses move in December, they don’t need blankets. So not the horses. The owners often already.

1 year ago

Is it? Yeah.

1 year ago

I would leave it, I always cover from 5 degrees and less approx. a… in heavy rain, I either get them into the stable or put them on a coupling with shelters (so either shelter or trees to put under)

1 year ago

Yeah, no, maybe.

I’d rather get in when it’s rainy.

Otherwise, you have to inform yourself about thermoregulation and thermoregulation disorder that you can judge your condition and necessity.

The better the conditon of the horse, the better the metabolism of the material is.

1 year ago

What does that look like?

How is the condition of the horse?

My lords have already pushed so much winter fur that I have sworn them part last week.