Pferd biegen (Kraft in den beinen)?
Guten tag, ich habe das Problem pferde gebogen oder gestellt zu bekommen, da ich “zuwenig kraft” im bein habe, bzw kürzen sie immer nach innen ab und ich schaffe es einfach nicht rauszutreiben ohne das ich irgendwelche komischen Bewegungen mit meinem schenkel mache, hat jemand das gleiche problem? Wie bekomme ich es hin, habe ich vielleicht zu wenig Kraft im Bein? Würde mich über Antworten freuen
No, you certainly don’t have too little strength in your leg (unless you suffer from a bad disease)!
Your riding lessons aren’t a goal if your RL can’t explain the simplest things before the horse that you can do so.
Probably also the horses you ride in class are not suitable for you.
There is no more to say, because everything together is such a fundamental issue that it is not to work out with a few tips here and there.
This happens if the rider doesn’t have his horse on the seat. Where the rider is not in any case completely “indebted”, but some school horse makes it difficult for his rider.
For example, if you want to ride a volt correctly bent, you don’t just stop the leg against it, not with force! Well ridden horses hop on and off. Essential are holistic aids, not only with the legs, but the shoulders of the rider, pelvis, hip,… all play together.
Human power against horsepower is completely pointless – nevertheless, of course, as riders you need a certain force u. Body tension – can be well trained either with special workouts for riders or even everything that makes you fun at “Bauch, Legs, Po”.
Think less about the strength – because with force wanting to bend the horse, blocks your entire body.
We don’t see you riding – that means your riding instructor would be on the train to really analyze your seat. Spoiler: Can the least riding instructors. Also seat length classes.
You’re cramped by thinking to drive the horse out. Take the symbol with you, but you block so much on the outside that the horse can’t be different from getting onward. Sometimes it helps to consciously relax the outer muscles of you. It’s very likely that you don’t turn around.
Ultimately, you’ll be better riding lessons than before – because you should see where it’s hard and possibly hard. try one or the other out on sensual images and the like.
This sounds very good, I take the best lessons in our vicinity of 20km, the trainer of my riding teacher is very high on the world rankings, unfortunately I don’t know what she means, which has a horse breeding. She’s very good friends with him. Owner of the well turned on the east wind. I don’t think it’s up to my teacher, but it’s just me, but the problem is everyone says to me I have too little strength in the hands, maybe you have to know that to give me tips or other things that could help me?
World ranking doesn’t say anything at all – a Isabell Werth is very high and definitely rides far away from “good”.
It doesn’t matter what places you have or who you know. I also know some of them – and nu?
Also not every person is born for teaching and not everyone can recognize any smallness in the seat.
A good coach recognizes a mistake or has solutions and does not say “you have little strength in your leg”. I know such phrases from an environment where a lot of power is generally fought.
I would have known – but I can only repeat myself:
If you have read the answer carefully, there is one or the other tip. You may look for it yourself;) You have to learn a little bit between the lines.
In addition, the book “Right Sit” from the Cadmos publisher – and certainly thousands of other books on the subject of seat and influence.
I know the problem. This is not necessarily just a question of “force”, but also of coordination. At the moment you think of “more strength” you start squeezing and ruining the seat, and that is then counterproductive.
I then concentrate on the aids to the bending seat, in particular on the upright but loose posture, and put the horse in front of the corner, for example, the barley on the shoulder to support my leading inner leg before I turn my shoulders towards bending. It is important to do this: KURZ ANLEGEN; do not blow or press.
“Righter” is naturally supported by using the barley behind it. But this is more difficult without making a mistake with the rein, and usually the horses understand my compromise very well. You are quite “language gifted” 😉
It has little to do with strength. you just give the wrong help or your horse is trained to be scel. A ride can help you here
the problem is that you’re trying on the force. you’re cramping.
put gently over the hand and fine over the outer leg, bend over the seat.
the horse just doesn’t understand what you want from him.
on the other hand, it helps riding lessons.
I take riding lessons every week, but wherever I have been ridden and I was told I lacked the strength in the mines. If I only knew how I would do it differently
buy the FN guidelines for riding and driving band 1 – first you will find in it a phenomenal good checklist for selecting a good riding school and, secondly, you will also find the basics of riding – of course not prepared, but so in the big and whole…
with us does not come into the group, who can not turn over the seat and turn away and regulate the tempo.
riding is not a sport. a very FEINE art. You don’t need strength for the horse, but for yourself.
I like what’s best for me.
and, as I said, I am not responsible for cardiovascular spaces.
tja – who doesn’t have his own life needs influenza or influencer… in any case something he feels like shit.
I like the sports horse type and even more in well ridden. If it isn’t these tremblings of modern dressage horses, they’re just the type of building that lies to me.
But this career dream that everyone thinks they can achieve everything is dangerous in this influencer period, where there are people everywhere who claim everyone can do everything. If someone has the idea of being able to do anything at the ice skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating skating sk I’m glad to everyone who says honestly, for riders it’s always good to just do that, where you can really and not just supposedly promote the horse.
I’m not responsible for karrier rooms.
I stand on the side of horse riding, so ride for the ride. I can’t start with sport horses. I’ll sit on it if I want to and I like it from the floor, but that’s it.
I love medium-heavy little horses.
Thank you very much, I just ordered the book:) do you have other suggestions for me? My dream is to start a great career at some point
that has nothing to do with strength. A short, minimal impus is sufficient for finely rided horses,
When it comes to giving horses the direction and stopping them I learned to do that with the reins and not with the legs.
I take the rein with the right hand on half length and pull it to the right that my arm pulls out to the right so that the horse goes to the right.
To the left the same with the left hand.
To stop, I learned to take the reins short and to pull the reins to me.
Then you never learned to ride seriously. Joint never, never, never with the reins – always over the seat. Also never stop over the reins. If you are still riding, please take much better riding lessons than before, there are some basic knowledge missing.
No I just learned the three steps ride no longer
My opinion
sit on a correctly riddled horse and do this and you experience your blue wonder.
Just creepy!!!!!
That’s how the peasant did it when he put himself on his aergaul. So somehow came to the destination 🤭
Yeah, I got it.
I mean
Then please be aware that you have taught you something really wrong.
What types of steps?
If then gears.