Horse stepped on foot, what to do?
Hello, last Wednesday a horse stepped on my foot and I haven't been to the doctor yet because they'll probably just take an x-ray and tape my toes or something. My two smaller toes swelled up a little later and then hurt. After a few days they were fine again and I went straight back to school on Thursday and as long as I didn't think about it it was fine. I just had to walk a bit more on the left side with my foot and then I could basically walk normally again the next day. Yesterday I didn't do any sports because I have a riding lesson today and I didn't want anything to happen because I actually have to go because I have a small performance there on Saturday (actually very short, about 15 minutes walk, trot). Today it hurt a bit more but that might be because of the weather because it changes so often (I notice it with my arm too, which I broke once). Do you think it's enough if I just cool it down and keep it elevated when I get home? I taped it a few days ago too.
So with me this has always gone away from me after a few days, but if it doesn’t get better then I would go to the doctor once.
Thank you.
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Thank you
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