Pferd auf Fuß getreten – Röntgen?


mir ist am Sonntagabend mein Pferd auf den Fuß gesprungen als es sich erschreckt hat. Danach war er ziemlich dick und ich konnte ihn nicht richtig belasten, heute kann ich wieder laufen. Ich war nicht im KH weil ich damit nicht in die Notaufnahme wollte. Der Fuß ist heute ziemlich blau und ich habe vom Gelenk aus Probleme, meine Zehen einzuziehen nach unten und der Fußrücken tut seitlich bei Berührung/im Schuh noch weh, beim Gehen nivht mehr.

Sollte ich den Fuß röntgen lassen, auch wenn die Schmerzen großteils wieder weg sind?

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2 years ago

that looks like a mid-foot break. presumably also the third zeh is broken in the region of the uppermost joint or the capsule is torn.

the man is a runner. during a break in the fuss the pains are relatively weak. If it’s so bad that you can’t run anymore, then the probability of a break that needs to be operated is quite great.

you go directly into the not recording and don’t wait 3 days.

that only complicates completely unnecessary treatment.

2 years ago

I wasn’t in the KH because I didn’t want to get into the emergency room.

That was a very bad idea. Treating a break only after days can cause permanent damage. I can’t imagine how one can be so unimportant in the best will, because one needs it every day.

Yes, you should have the foot extensively examined as soon as possible.

Good improvement and do you like to go to the doctor next time.

2 years ago
Reply to  mjutu

Helpful answer

2 years ago

Go to the doctor.

LG your finger and good improvement!

2 years ago


I don’t understand you people, I don’t know what you’re doing today. Don’t you have a self-conservation drive?

Normally you’d be jumping on the horse into the emergency room. It doesn’t even have to hurt, there could be an inner bruise alone, or an inner bleeding that you don’t even have to feel.

You don’t want to tell us all serious that you thought about your foot, “Oh, I’ll sit out and see what happens!”

From the doctor with you, but best since yesterday. There can be more broken than just bruising, bruising, and blue spots.

2 years ago

Last time I had my foot dipped, go to the doctor.

2 years ago

For trauma surgery

2 years ago

Yeah, go to the accident doctor.