Mit was eßt ihr die Pfannkuchen oder Blinis?
Brache Anregung……..also außer dem Honig und Nutella.
Mit was eßt ihr die Pfannkuchen oder Blinis?
Brache Anregung……..also außer dem Honig und Nutella.
Mein Freund ist 17 und ich werde nächste Woche 17 und da er weiter weg wohnt verbringt er dann das Wochenende bei mir ich gehe davon aus das es Kuchen oder so gibt und wir auch essen gehen aber nachmittags würde ich gerne etwas mit meiner Familie und ihm machen ich habe noch einen kleineren…
Kann ich Räucer Lachsforelle der gekühlt und ungeöffnet ist aber am 10.11.24 abgelaufen ist noch essen?
Vor ca 1 Woche aufgemacht und samt Verpackung in Kühlschrank gelegt da ich jetzt ne Woche im Urlaub war … kann man das noch verarbeiten ?
Bislang hat sich meine Mama um die Wäsche gekümmert, doch ist sie leider am Sonntag, den 16. Januar 2022, verstorben, weshalb ich dies nun tue. Nun frage ich mich, wie lange die nasse Wäsche maximal in der Waschmaschine bleiben darf.
Sweet pots?
I always have pancakes hearty. Hot with fried mushrooms or other fried vegetables or cooked asparagus + cooking ham (okay the latter for four years no longer but so we have eaten it at home often) or fresh cheese (vegan alternative) with rocket and vegan bacon etc
Hello pancake soup, there used to be on high times, I sometimes do jam on it, sometimes head salad with a tomato in it, or apple or other fruit
I always bake apples in the dough and then garnish them with tea
In my family the following was popular:
Press fine apple slices into the dough, fry. Maybe a little more (Puder) sugar on it. Finished
Thank you
With me too😅 is really delicious
I eat pancakes in sweet, with apples inside and cinnamon and sugar over it. I sometimes eat apples.
Cinnamon & sugar
maple syrup
jam (especially dark, such as cherry, forest fruit, blackcurrant,…)
Thank you
Pancake dough I never make sweet so that you can make it yourself sweet or hearty. Sometimes I bake potato slices in the dough or take the “Fladen” as a wrap with garlic oil and chickens and salad
Pancakes and blinis are two different things with us.Pfan cakes are caffeine pancakes.These are eaten with apple or apple slices .eingebacken,Ohne Aepfel you can also do them in Balsamico.Blinis we do not at all.If, then egg pancakes.These dough, are made with honey, jam or nutella.
With us in Austria, pancakes are usually omelettes, i.e. the French say crepes, pancakes as you describe them are thicker in consistency. With potatoes are the grater cake (with different names). Blinis is made with buckwheat flour, as much as I know. Grenadines
I know Blinis are also made with baking powder (Russian).The pancakes are different in every area. Some people even say to Berliner pancakes. What a mess. LG gadus
We have two different types of pancakes: the German version (flat) is eaten with ham, cheese and maple syrup. Honestly, it tastes great (for the first time in Holland and since then it has honed to the repertoire and the other, are the small thick American pancakes. My husband eats them with everything, and I eat them with blueberry jam.
I eat my pancakes either with cheese or with apple and cinnamon 🙂
made with cheese today. 💜
Did it taste? ☺️
Paprika, Gurke and a Jogurt tip.
I like to eat them with jam or with Nutella and banana. Makes both very good
Blini with smetana (Schmand), kaviar and smoked salmon. It’s not better.
Pancake of German type with bacon and melted cheese is very good.
We have different egg cakes. Often we make a mushroom pan, then you can eat one or two hearty, and then one with applemus as dessert. But we also like to take plum or blueberry jam.
Mostly Nutella, but also with Nutella and Strawberry jam and cream
Cheese and sometimes veggy bacon cubes and, so stupid the jz sometimes sounds avocado. So like on a bread with cheese and my beloved vegan carpaccio.
With apple and sometimes with cinnamon and sugar 😀
-> apple cinnamon and sugar
-> Spinach and small fried bacon cubes
I am Team Fresh Cheese 🙂
Just sugar if it’s sweet. Otherwise very happy hearty with mushrooms, ham cubes and salad.
With minced meat and sauce
jam and powdered sugar.
Cinnamon & sugar
maple syrup
Pancakes are also delicious with fresh cheese with taste. With champignons, as apple pancakes or with applesa. Classic with cinnamon/sugar powdered sugar. With blueberries, with red hat.
Blinis are these yeast particles for me I like them with smand and salmon.
Thank you
Spinat for life
But otherwise I love the spinach.
Very critical not to like pancakes with spinach…
Vanilla ice
Wow, this is luxury! 💛
am Bodybuilder you know Gainnnsss