Pfanne für Bratkatoffel?
Ich suche eine Pfanne für Bratkatoffel.
Gusspfannne, Eisenpfanne, beschichtet oder unbeschicht ???
Sie sollte sich auch gut reinigen lassen.
Ich suche eine Pfanne für Bratkatoffel.
Gusspfannne, Eisenpfanne, beschichtet oder unbeschicht ???
Sie sollte sich auch gut reinigen lassen.
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in principle, no matter what pan you use, it is important to take the right temperature and time for it!
I’ll take a forged iron pan for it. But this is also a piece of nostalgia. A coated pan does it as long as you fatten it. For cleaning, this is also more comfortable than the iron pan that can only be cleaned by hand.
A coated pan I significantly easier to handle and clean.
In a cast iron or forging iron pan, however, the roast potatoes are significantly better. But the pan must also be well maintained.
a coated by Tefal Aluguss pan I have, doing a very good job, whether eggs, roast potatoes, chips etc. everything will be top
P.S. Cast iron pans are what for professionals
I find a cast iron pan for roast potatoes best.
I use for roast potatoes, as for all other foods, without exception one cast iron pan. With proper care, I can inherit it to my grandchildren (which I don’t have).
You have to be able to handle soot pans.
With coated pans it is easier, but for health reasons you should pay attention to what it is for a coating. From Teflon or PTFE, I would guess. Rather a ceramic coating, but there are also those with heavy metals (lead, cadmium…).
For all coatings, care should be taken. In no case in a dishwasher, because their detergents are particularly aggressive. I don’t wash our ceramics at all, but only wipe them with paper towels. You’ve been behind for so many years without anything burning.
Take a coated pan! 🔥 Bratkartoffeln do not stick to and easy to clean. 😊
Lg, Abdul