Perspektive richtig bzw Tipps?

Will was zeichnen. Kann mir wer dazu konstruktive Kritik sowie Tipps geben?

Das ist meine Referenz

Und das meine bisherige Skitze

Ich weiß, andere Pose, aber um die geht es hier nicht.

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1 year ago

I would suggest this perspective:

A female person sits at a table. It is dark, only two candles burn on the table (one left, one right)! The left candle is almost burned down, the right candle is just a bit burned down. This is important for the interpretation of the picture!

On the table a sheet of paper, in the hand a pen.

The main perspective should be her face.

You now have several ways to play with candlelight and face.

I would draw her facial expression as contemplative, with the view very weak (that is important) directed to the left candle.

I would divide her face into two halves: her left side (viewed from her) I would fade like a spirit.

I would make the right side more rosy, more alive.

On the sheet of paper I would write small and hidden as headline: “last will and will”

It’s a dark picture, which comes out, but there’s the unique way to play with light and shadow, letting metaphors flow in (the candles for life and death) and just try.

Make sure at which angle you draw candles and person, because that is important for the length of the shadow!

I hope I could help you!

LG ChrystalDragon7 🍀

1 year ago

I don’t know anything about this template. Sorry.

1 year ago

Can you decide better?