Personalisierte Grußformel?
Moin zusammen,
ich bin kein Fan von stumpfen 0-8-15 Flosskeln á la “mit freundlichen Grüßen” in Sachen Grußformel.
Da ich mit Nachnamen Wolf heiße, benutze ich daher gerne auf kreative und auch lustige Weise “mit wolfigen Grüßen”.
Nun die Frage: Für den privaten Gebrauch ist das natürlich gar kein Problem, jedoch wie würdet ihr das als Empfangsperson auf beispielsweise Arbeit oder Ämtern empfinden? Als doch eher unseriös und unpassend? Oder doch kreativ und toll?
Danke für eure Meinung 🙂
Yeah… very creative. Very funny. Ha, ha.
Leave it. Seriously.
What are you writing? “With kind regards”?
I’ll find out if the rest of the message is appropriate. If you can also use something other than kind regards, it doesn’t always have to be formula.
I always like to use all good as kind regards.
As stupid, silly, childish and as totally inappropriate, I would feel that.
I’d like to read from you.
Thanks for your effort and kind greetings
I don’t know how to arrange this. Honestly. Are you supposed to be funny or infinity?
It’s not funny or spicy.
This is how you communicate with authorities, courts, employers and business life. Of course, only if you want to be taken seriously.
If you don’t want to be taken seriously, you can write how he wants. Let us not hope for an answer.
In that case you could have saved the letter.
“Thanks for your effort” sounds rather ridiculous. Pardon, my honest opinion 🙂
The essence of my statement or the intended work of my personalized greeting formula was not understood.
We’re not talking about the highest judges. For example, specialists in the job centre, judges, information and questions to companies, etc. The highest judge from the Federal Constitutional Court would also have a request with “Thanks for your effort and kind regards” write as a final formula. Like a CEO.
Previously one would have “High-quality” written, but this is outdated today. If you were to write this today, you’d rather be ridiculous.
With my example, I didn’t mean addressing the highest judges, CEOs and Co… should have been clear to Nadja.
I accept your opinion…