Hold a person accountable?

A package was dropped off at a UPS Access Point, which is an irrelevant company. The seller scanned my phone number and asked for a confirmation text message. I asked twice if it was the correct one, and was told yes. Even after hours, no text message was received. The seller denies any wrongdoing and says there's absolutely nothing he can do, everything is electronic, and the packages have already been picked up.

If something happens now and a certificate is requested but cannot be presented, I will be left with the costs.

So can I hold the seller responsible or does anyone have any ideas?

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3 years ago

The VK has done its utmost, for the electronics behind the persecution he can really nothing.

This is of course really sworn to you

3 years ago
Reply to  Violetta1

How did you pay?

With card or the like, you would have at least the booking in the account

3 years ago

The question is rather blurred.

A package was delivered to a UPS Access Point,


that is an irrelevant company

What does that mean?

The seller scanned

What did he scanned?

Even after hours do not receive SMS,

What should be in there?

the packages have already been picked up.

Are they sent to you?

If something happens now

That means what? That you don’t catch the packages?

and an appearance

Who is supposed to be asked for?

I’ll be at the expense.

At what cost? Apparently, you bought something, pay and wait for the article to be delivered to you? If this should be like this: If the shipment does not arrive at you, and the seller cannot prove the shipment (it is for you), the seller has a problem, not you.

So I can take responsibility for the seller

Do you think the seller has to send the article for the second time or you agree that he will refund your money? If that’s the case, yes.

3 years ago

It’s hard to prove if there’s evidence.