Permanentes frieren?
Hallo Mädels,
ich wollte mal fragen was Ihr während eures Eisprungs für Symptome habt? Heute ist er eigentlich vorbei aber laut App is die Schwangerschafts Wahrscheinlichkeit trzd noch hoch. Ich friere seid gestern extrem obwohl es nicht kalt ist
Geht es euch auch manchmal so?
LG und danke falls ihr mir helfen könnt
I only know that when my thyroid values are disguised.
When I ovulate, I only have the famous middle pain and I feel the egg actually jumping. Shortly afterwards PMS starts, my breasts become big and sensitive and span, I store up to 5kg water, I am ultra tired, launable, I’m bad and I’m appetitless OR get cravings and it draws in the abdomen. Oh, yeah, the skin is also miserable, and I’m insuffered. I usually get the full broad side.
Oh you poor, I’m just thinking 🙈
Maybe you’re brooding an infect, maybe you should let your thyroid values control… Do you prevent it and if so, how? I mean, symptoms of pregnancy wouldn’t have happened. :
Iron deficiency has almost the same symptoms, nausea, constant freezing, hair loss, fatigue, pale…
It’s funny I’ve got worse symptoms, I’m sick for almost the whole month. With the thyroid I didn’t find anything that my doctor found in my acupine deficiency and my blood poverty
So the basal temperature rises right after the ovulation, so actually the body has warmer afterwards, not colder. Don’t think this has something to do with it, more