Periodenunterwäsche oder Pants?

Hi 🙂

sorry, dass ich anonym poste, aber muss sein. Privatsphäre.

Also folgendes:

hab 2 Geburten hinter mir und seit dem extrem starke Periode. Verhüte nicht mehr mit Hormonen. Kann mir mit Tampons + Binden tagsüber recht gut helfen. Muss halt oft wechseln. Problematisch ists dann nachts. Da läuft es bei Rückenlage am Damm über After die Poritze und somit halbert zum Rücken hin jedesmal entlang (Hose voll, Bett voll, Katastrophe). Oh Gott zum Glück anonym, voll peinlich.

Morgen gibts einen Großeinkauf im Drogeriemarkt. Da hab ich bereits im Onlineshop „Menstruations-Unterwäsche“ entdeckt, aber auch von Jessa & Always solche Pants. Denke für nachts ideal?, auch wenn ich mir da iwie zwiespaltig vorkomme. Aber es würde enorm Wäsche jeden Monat sparen. Zumal Blut in der Matratze nicht rausgeht.

Ok besser ist wohl die Periodenunterwäsche, aber das muss ich ja auch wieder ständig waschen. Und ich habe nicht so die ökologische Ader (sorry). Aber die Waschmaschine verbraucht auch Strom und Wasser (Müll lass ich mir noch eingehen, aber anderes Thema).

Nun ist für mich die Sache eigentlich klar und würde mir morgen diese Pants mal kaufen. Weiß nur net welche Marke. Blut saugen die doch trotzdem auf, oder? Weil die sind ja eigentlich nur für Urin?

Für 2-3 Nächte wäre mir das monatlich ein echter Helfer und Retter.

Vorallem bei 0,60 € Stückpreis wären das bei 3 Nächten 1,80 €. Sicher günstiger als wenn ich extra deswegen Waschmaschinenkosten hätte.

Eigentlich wäre sowas auch tagsüber eine super Alternative und viel günstiger als ne Hand voll Tampons und Binden täglich. Aber ich denke das ist dann für die Haut und PH-Wert net förderlich und optisch unter ner Jeans vielleicht sogar sichtbar.

Cup möchte ich nicht verwenden. Bin zudem noch sehr empfindlich, weil die letzte Geburt noch net so lange her und kacke verlaufen ist.

So genug geschrieben – wie seht ihr das ganze Thema?

Freu mich auf sachliche Tipps, da ich noch mindestens 25 Jahre bis zu den Wechseljahren brauche (leider).

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11 months ago


Well, if you had more security and you don’t know how much it’s coming out now and no matter how wet it feels, it still keeps up every case, then your nights and your everyday life would be more relaxed?

Then I recommend you to buy larger and stronger bandages like this one here:

Or you’ll just buy a period underwear


There are two different types of menstrual underwear:

1. Species

This type of menstrual underwear is quite simple. Pull in the morning, pull out again in the evening and then throw in the laundry. You don’t have to use tampons, bandages or other menstruation articles. The blood is absorbed and enclosed by the special fabric of the underpants, running out is as good as impossible. Of course you can exchange them between them (is hygienic) but you could also buy an underpants with ultra strength and wear them all day.

Advantage:Washable, as good as impossible to run out, environmentally friendly, available in ultra strength

Disadvantage:relatively expensive but once bought keep these up to 10 years

Buy (click):

Taynie(also available in Ultra Strength)



Two. Species

This menstrual underwear is more of a dripping protection. This means that they stop blood quantities, for example, when blood goes beyond the bandage or when the bandage passes through. Many also wear them as slippery replacements or if they are close to their period and do not want everything to go through when it comes too early. The underpants can make sure that the blood does not go straight into the pants but is first “stored” but with very large amounts of blood it can also run out, which is not the case with “besides gone”. As long as you still use a bandage or tampon, nothing happens! I also use them and they keep amazingly much.

Advantages:Washable, cheaper than the top but also from China

Cons:can run out with very large amounts of blood

Buy (click):

Internal(See child size, dimensions and table)

Internal(women size)

Disposable product:

As you have already seen, there are also these panties. Of course, you can wear those that are suitable for bladder weaknesses also during the period. But there are also the ones made by Always for the period:

But maybe incontinence inserts would also be an option for you:


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



11 months ago

Good evening,

You don’t have to be embarrassed. We women know this very well and the men can be glad that they are not women, because they would not survive a birth, or only hard. As far as your question is concerned, it would be a possibility, of course, but is it guaranteed that this type of underwear prevents something from going out? I once read a report on such underwear and they should be very unhygienic. In the end, it’s up to you whether you’re wearing such a underwear, but I’d tell you about it. Maybe you’re going to a woman’s doctor because a permanent strong bleeding isn’t always normal? All right.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

It is not hygienic, since the germs of the period are stored in the underpants over a longer period of time and the germs are deeper into the fabric at every hour. Even if you wash them, you can never get all the germs of the period out in life. Remains remain, which is why it is unhygienic for the next period and infections or inflammation can occur. (Worst Case)

What I have done in extreme bleeding is a normal underpants and a thicker bandage and a very narrow abdominal path underpants that goes up to the abdominal nabel. Sometimes I used two bandages. Of course, it’s up to you to decide what you’re thinking, it’s just a advice, because I also had problems with strong bleeding.

11 months ago


have 2 births behind me and since the extremely strong period.

Have you ever discussed this with your FA, so whether there is a cause that could be treated?

It’s a problem at night. At the back of the dam, it runs over After the Poritze and thus halved to the back every time (pants full, bed full, catastrophe). Oh, God, fortunately anonymous.

There is nothing embarrassing about it, women have their period and that runs differently with each woman, each woman has other experiences with it, good and bad, but none of it should be embarrassing, thanks to the menstruation you are so hopeful I am 2 times mother, sometimes left aside that it is certainly not nice to run out quasi, but embarrassing it should not be you.

Think ideal for nights, even if I’m in a split way. But it would save enormous laundry every month. Especially when blood in the mattress doesn’t get out.

You can try it all out, but at least it would be good for the beginning if you wear bandages + menstruation underwear, just because what you describe indicates an increased blood loss, but relying on the laundry alone without additional protection, I don’t know so right, only could it be sure to rent if it works out that you don’t get so many of your own underwear.

Okay, well, the underwear is better, but I have to wash it all the time again.

Yeah, that’s the other thing, there are still sustainable ties of fabric, but they also have to be washed again and again, but is also another way to avoid at least garbage.

So enough written – how do you see the whole subject?

I would really also take the subject of women’s doctor again, but then I have to ask for your bill, the period underwear that I have found on DM now, which costs about 10€ and that’s the one in the lower price segment, I don’t know what products you have in mind.

In addition, on those I have found now, it is recommended to wear additional protection in the form of tampons or bandages for stronger periods, so that it does not appear to be free from “The suck everything up”.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Okay, I’ve entered on dm, you can try it, but it’s not a period underwear you need to wash, they’re diaper-like, so also disposable products like I see that, but according to the reviews, they’ve probably also been recommended for the time after birth, the weekbed and since you’ve been satisfied, just how this behaves for you I don’t know, so I guess you’ll try it out and see it before.