Periodenunterwäsche mit Binde?
Also da ich schon meine Tage hab, und ich sehr schnell deswegen sorgen bekomme das was ausläuft habe, hab ich überlegt sozusagen Periodenunterwäsche normal wie eine Unterhose anzuziehen und einfach eine Binde rein, also die Periodenunterwäsche trage ich dann halt nur in der Schule und wenn Blut in die Periodenunterwäsche geht wasche ich das natürlich und nimm eine neue…ist das eine gute Idee? Oder soll ich noch was beachten oder so?
in principle, the underwear is superfluous. if you take a binding it should be enough. you can always switch with the size of the binde and if you have one too big it is less bad than one too small. during school you can always go to the pauses. You see how full she is. if you don’t feel safe yet, change it every time it’s blood in it.
would always recommend you the ultra size 2 (lila) with wings and if the too fast are full take you size 3 (blue) with wings. if the period ends simply take the size 1 with or without wing.
with the three products you should drive well. if in the night the size 3 is not enough, you could still take the sizes 4 and 5, which are even longer and wider towards the back.
You don’t need to stick to the period underwear.
Normally, underwear has such a great capacity that nothing goes through.
And in addition, most additives do not use a smell.
different from that of bindings.
I don’t want to start from the lack of sustainability and costs of Binden and Co.