hallo, ich hatte eine Frage und zwar vielleicht weiß jemand woran das liegt aber manchmal bin ich so 1/ 2 Tage überfällig und dann ist auch alles in Ordnung. Aber so wie jetzt wenn ich zum Beispiel über sieben Tage überfällig bin, sind meine Tage extrem stark und extrem schmerzhaft Tabletten und co helfen nicht . Gibt es da eventuell irgendeinen Grund? bitte nicht mit Frauenarzt kommen , ich bin schon dabei, mir ein zu suchen aber im Moment ist alles belegt.
So first, it’s good that you’re looking for a doctor who can’t answer this exactly because we don’t know you and can’t examine you, etc.
I don’t know how old you are now, but in the beginning it’s normal that the period doesn’t come regularly.
The pain is different for everyone and everyone helps something else. However, if the pain is so strong that nothing helps, I would let it test for endometriosis.
I have an explanation here if you’re interested in what is endometriosis and what it says. It is important, however, that there may also be other causes. But maybe this will help you a little bit more:
Endometriosis is one of the most common underlying diseases in women. The cause is colonization of tissue that resembles the cervical mucosa outside the cervix. In others, endometriosis is a chronic disease that causes severe pain and reduces fertility. Until an endometriosis is detected as the cause of complaints, it often takes years. Until then, many women try to somehow cope with their pain. They believe that even the strongest pain is normal and belonged to the control bleeding. To date, endometriosis cannot be cured completely, but there are various ways to treat the complaints. When the therapy is adapted to the personal circumstances of life and the expression of the disease, many women can live quite well with endometriosis. The main symptoms of endometriosis are abdominal pain. They often occur together with the control bleeding, but also during or after intercourse. The pain can sometimes be stronger, sometimes weaker and radiate into the abdomen, the back and the legs. They are often experienced as crampy and can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. As the pain manifests, it also depends on where endometriosis is established in the abdominal cavity. For example, they can grow outside on the uterus or in the wall of an egg guide. In addition, the ovaries, the area between the uterus and the end intestine (douglas room) and the associated connective tissue are often affected. If the ovaries or eggplants are infested, fertility is often impaired. Sometimes endometriosis is also formed in organs such as the bladder or the intestine, which can lead to problems in urination and in the course of the chair. A heavy endometriosis can greatly limit the quality of life and performance. Since there can be many causes for severe underlying complaints, endometriosis is often recognized only after a long time. In women without complaints, the diagnosis of endometriosis is often a random finding.
I hope I could possibly help you.
I’m glad you’re looking for help. I think no one can give you a better advice.
If you have found a doctor, you may have to check for endometriosis.