Periodenartikel selber kaufen?
Hey, ich brauch eigentlich Periodenartikel aber ich Trau mich nicht welche zu kaufen..der Kassierer/in ist nicht das Problem eher die Leute die hinter mir an der Kasse stehen und allgemein vor dem Schrank zu stehen. Hat jemand Tipps ich will es eigentlich aber hab dann immer Angst Schübe.
Just remember that it is completely normal to buy periodicals. Every day so many people buy ties, tampons, etc., you don’t have to be afraid. I don’t think the people behind you are interested in what you buy and what you don’t. I was embarrassed too, but then I just thought it wasn’t interested in what others would buy, why would it bother anyone? ^^
LG ^
Thank you! I dared and am happy that I made it… fully relieved! Thank you
Nice to meet you!!!!!!
Every person knows that – if you are a girl / a woman – you will probably get your period and need such products.
The other people don’t think about it when they see you standing at the checkout.
You just make too many thoughts about what other people think about you. And what you’re afraid of, they know long ago.
Now, get in the store, listen to the music and buy the stuff!
The music has helped a lot! Thank you very much!🫶🏻
Very much. The more often you turn fear, the more it will let down 🙂
Happy for you!
Unfortunately, you can’t give a hint, except to make it easy. Like the others said, it’s normal and nobody cares. You can take a girlfriend for the first time or something if that helps you.
Nobody thinks anything about it.
You’re the only one to think about it….all the girls and women buy it and it’s totally normal.
You feel scared. That’s an emotion. You can also buy the articles with fear. It must not be the goal to get rid of all fears or to avoid the triggers. That would be too dangerous.
One goes with fear to class work, to the dentist, to the first date and to the shopping of hygiene and contraceptives.
All women, or their men, buy means for monthly hygiene. When someone sees you, he thinks, “Hackfleinsch? Have I frozen enough minced meat for the guests?”
Thank you. Got it!!🫶🏻
Great! Freedom!
I believe that people do much less thought about you and your period than you think.
I can’t remember any woman… it’s an everyday object.
Just do it. No one cares and every woman buys it
Every woman has or had her period and every man knows that.
Don’t understand the problem.
The problem is that I feel uncomfortable because I am not so old.
I don’t understand why? You’re not the only one or the first.
Is as normal as buying shower gel.
Got it! Thank you
can be I just feel uncomfortable you can’t always do something for feelings but I do it anyway. I hope
Do you really think anyone interested?
That’s cold only when you buy them we’re always making attention to it. You don’t think so yes she has her period.
But you know that every woman has her period.
I don’t think if I see a woman that has her period… only if someone buys that one is made aware of it.
But they know without buying the stuff you have your period.
I understand what you mean for some people it’s just unpleasant..
Just buy it! Doesn’t itch any person you need to know that if you’re female your period
Got it! Thank you
But this is what gaaanz normals😂🫶🏻 I always do it and it doesn’t adore