Perioden Produkte beim partner wegwerfen?
Ich habe seit paar Stunden wieder meiner Tage und ich schlafe morgen bei meinem Partner
Ich finde es allerdings unangenehm meine Perioden Produkte dort wegzuwerfen wegen seinen Eltern
Wie kann ich das machen?
You could take a plastic bag. But I think if his mother also lives there it doesn’t need to be uncomfortable at all. On the contrary, is a sign of health
If this is unpleasant, I can’t do anything about qwq, nevertheless thank you
Don’t worry about it. It’s best to put in cellophane bags and get into the purse. The bags make themselves good for breakfast bread, because they are cheap and keep tight against smells. Pure with it and knot and good is👍
I never felt uncomfortable, just jump over your shadow.
If it were so easy, but it is not for me
Nevertheless, thanks
Dogs Kack bag take along and take along in the bag
They’re not gonna blow the garbage.
You should think so, but there’s no guarantee of this. When my wife was a teenager and lived with her parents, her father often ran through the garbage. Not that she’d throw away what you might need. By the way, the secret of the letter did not interest him…
Yeah, well, there was and maybe there is. But then probably more with her parents than with his. At least his might know what’s going on, right? And their parents will also be more reluctant to look for ties or tampons if they are looking.
But they have to empty the garbage and so
wrap and take along