Period, too much ibuprofen?
I generally often have very heavy periods and pain during my period. I always take ibuprofen for the pain, but unfortunately I have to say that I sometimes take a bit more these days because of the massive pain. Now I have the following problem: I didn't pay attention to how much I took today and completely miscalculated. Last time I had 200mg of ibuprofen, and now I'm on 400mg. My blood sugar was at 200mg. Now I've taken around 3000mg and have the worst diarrhea of my life. 🤣 What should I do? Does anyone have any tips? Otherwise, I'll have to sleep on the toilet.
Hi! It sounds like you accidentally took too much ibuprofen. Unfortunately, this can be dangerous and should be taken seriously. Please go directly to the emergency room or call the emergency call – they can best help you. In the meantime, try to drink a lot of water to stay hydrogenated, but don’t take any further medicines. It would be good to have someone with you if you felt worse.
For your strong control bleeding and pain: Maybe it would be helpful to talk to a gynecologist about other treatment options so that you don’t have to take so many painkillers.
Good improvement:)
Hello, the maximum daily dose is 2400mg, deadly or life-threatening your dose isn’t, so you’ll get the most beautiful side effects to feel and for your stomach, kidneys, unfortunately it’s not that healthy 🙈
Eat rice is good at this, removes the intestine water (stuhlgang becomes firmer) and also detoxifies the body. Like, for example, coal tablets… against poison and diarrhea 🙂
if you don’t have to do that somehow
in general with such severe pain, I would explain this to the doctor and not only resort to Ibus… for example, take buscopan plus or otherwise extra against periods of pain or even sometimes only ne warm bottle