Periode zu kurz plötzlich?
Ich habe ja vor 9 Monaten entbunden und seid Dezember meine Periode wieder.
Immer 28 Tage der Zyklus,hatte ich vorher nie.
Außer jetzt,habe sie heute nach 23 Tagen schon wieder bekommen was zu kurz ist.
Mein Problem ist,ich denke immer gleich,es sei was schlimmes dahinter.
Jetzt sitze ich hier wieder und habe Angst und hoffe sie gehen schnell vorbei
Since one is not a robot, but a human being, this is the case with a breakout cycle in the standard range. Such fluctuations can be triggered by unconscious stress and are no reason to worry.
Thank you. I’m under continuous stress and never had that before.
I know about my wife. With too much excitement, the period comes a week earlier and my wife lacks health nix. Don’t worry
Thank you
The period depends on so many things, you don’t need to paint as bad things.
She’s hormonal. You say you’ve escaped 9 months ago and accordingly your day-night rhythm will be disturbed, which can also affect your hormones and your cycle.
It’s best if you’re very insecure.
Good luck!
I was at the gynecologist 7 weeks ago, and there was everything great
7 weeks has been a time.
Upstairs, you’ve already written that you’re currently in permanent stress. As I described above, it is very hormone-dependent and could accordingly be responsible for your too early period.
Don’t worry about stress or anxiety yourself and let a gynecologist explain it, it doesn’t always have to be something bad behind it.
Like someone else has written, we humans are not robots. :