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1 year ago


There is no real reason for this.

But it is quite natural if you have the period with someone for a time at the same time. The cycle is not always on the point exactly regular. So it happens that you happen to get the period at the same time. Also, not every month the same time, the period in the month shifts back and forth anyway.

Let’s say two women (A and B) have a 28 day cycle. Woman B gets her period at the end of the month (30.1) and the other woman A gets her period at the beginning of the month (1.1). Ms A gets her next period on 28.1 and Ms B her on 30.1. Now the period of Ms. A is late for a few days because she had a lot of stress or was sick. Zack gets her period on 30.1 as Ms. B.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



1 year ago
Reply to  Sofia754

Yes this can already occur in regular cycles

1 year ago
Reply to  Jojo2200

See my answer.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jojo2200

See my answer.

1 year ago

It is suspected that menstruating women give substances through the skin, which are absorbed by other women through the skin and which lead to synchronisation of the cycle in women who are often together. Mother/daughter, sisters, girlfriends, colleagues.