Periode stoppen für zwei Tage?

Weiß jemand wie man seine Periode für zwei bis drei Tage stoppt?

Ein paar Eckdaten

  • ich habe sie heute Bekommen und möchte sie morgen und übermorgen nicht haben – habe wichtige Termine!!
  • Ich kann aus medizinischen Gründen kein Ibuprofen nehmen
  • es ist zu spät für iwelche Tabletten, da man sie mindestens 3 Tage vor dem Anfang der Periode nehmen soll
  • bitte sagt nichts wie: lass die Natur ihren Lauf nehmen
  • Meine Periode ist sehr sehr unregelmäßig muss also jetzt absolut nicht sein!!!
  • Ich nehmen nicht die Pille

Danke schon mal für alle seriösen Antworten 🙏🙏

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5 months ago

Hello Iledieeineda👋🏻

Sry, you can’t pluck in the period when it’s already there just because it comes to you inappropriately, that’s just how you can alleviate symptoms, I eat e.g. No chocolate and in the first two days also no milk products or heavy products, greasy because I don’t get that good, but just stop isn’t going.

Even if this is stupid now, and I understand it completely, mine is always irregular and I know the anger very well if you want it to come, then they don’t do it and as soon as you can’t need it, tadaa, they are there.

Nonetheless, you have to go through this, so sorry I am.

5 months ago


No, there’s nothing you can do to stop your period now.

Strong prescription hormones could do this now, but this must be ordered by the doctor (Gynecologist) and this needs a health and even life-threatening reason.

These “households” are just for attention, they do nothing even though some may claim it. It’s like when someone puts some home remedy that can cure cancer. Only it is not so obvious at the periods of history that this is not possible.

Once there’s no way out more than “because of” I’m sorry, but you can’t do anything. You have to bear this even if it doesn’t fit you at all, but nothing can be done against this process. Is like if you were trying to stop your kidneys so you don’t have to pee the next 7 days because you’re on camp without a toilet. I can’t.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



5 months ago

It’s not possible.

5 months ago

You can’t stop the period. You can only prevent her from coming (don’t go anymore) by taking the pill

5 months ago

No, I can’t.

5 months ago

I can’t do that, even if you want something else. The advice: let nature run” is therefore the only one you can give.

5 months ago

Absolutely impossible.