Periode seit 5monaten nicht, Erfahrung/ was tun?

Hallo, und zwar ich bin 14 habe meine Regel seit ca 1/1,5 Jahren, nur seit 5monat3n ca habe ich sie garnicht mehr, eine die ich kenne hatte es auch mal das die ein halbes jahr einfach ausblieb, aber mittlerweile mache ich mir etwas sorgen.

Hattet ihr auch schon sowas udn wenn ja was hat der arzt dann gesagt?

Und nein ich kann nicht schwanger sein

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1 year ago


This is completely normal at the beginning.

In the first 3 years (counted for the third year), it often happens that the period comes too early, too late or not at all. This is because the body has to play first. For him, the whole thing about the cycle is still new. He doesn’t know when to send a hormone in what amount to what place. He has to learn this and there are also mistakes.

So it’s all right. With time your cycle will no longer have such slippers. However, shifts of 1 to 7 days are still normal and nothing worrying. If your period does not come before the end of the three years longer than 6 months, you should go to a gynecologist and see what’s going on. After the three years are over, you should go to the gynecologist for 3 months.

If you have the presumption to be pregnant at some point and your period stays out then it is advisable to go to the gynecologist or make a test.

The shift or absence of the period can also have many causes in addition to the above mentioned.

These include:

  • Stress
  • Medicine
  • Underweight or overweight
  • Much sport
  • Weight increase or decrease
  • Changes in eating behaviour
  • Diseases (influenza, gastric intestine etc.)
  • gynecological/physical diseases
  • menopause
  • Pregnant
  • Dropping the pill (up to 6 months after)
  • new contraceptives
  • Pille after
  • Hormone imbalance
  • too little or too much sleep
  • etc.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



1 year ago


Do not worry so much.You are young and your cycle can be very irregular in the first years of the period.When I was 13-14 I had the same problem.Also it can be stress or lack of nutrition

As long as you haven’t had sex, it can’t be a pregnancy.

as I said, don’t worry too much, just go to the women’s doctor and let you check off.If you’ve never been, you don’t have to worry at all. In most cases, they do not examine you as a virgin (if you are one) either.And even if it isn’t bad because your health goes ahead naturally.

1 year ago

Hello, I always had in puberty my period, that is idR absolutely normal. It is even now often so that I don’t bleed or bleed throughout with much stress. Still, you should go to the female doctor. Even if it can be quite normal, it could have a cause.

1 year ago

Yeah, I had… The reason was the thyroid. Let them control.

1 year ago

I got drugs and after eight months the period came back.

1 year ago

This can have many causes. You eat enough? Best go to the doctor.

1 year ago

Hello Dreckusernam

This is normal in the first years and you don’t need to worry, because your body has to get used to the new situation. It will take some time to get your days halfway regularly. It can take months to get your next rule. By stress, shiftwork, holiday trips etc., the cycle can also get out of the clock again and again later. A visit to the female doctor is not necessary. If this hasn’t been done with 17 you should visit a female doctor.

Greetings HobbyTfz

1 year ago

Have you had sex?