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2 years ago

You are a teeny that is early active, it must be treated gynecologically now

2 years ago

Hello, I’m taking the Belara too, and this has been for 14 years. Why? Because I’m with the Belara very I am satisfied and feel very reliably prevented by her. And because my formerly really problematic skin image has improved significantly by the Belara. :

Only 10 days of taking pills are NIE a suitable and reliable benchmark for assessing a truly suitable oral contraceptive. Please wait for a complete 3-month package, observe, and then, in the next quarter, revisit together with your gyn, whether the Belara really fits you exactly. :

I strongly suspect that your “duration bleeding” will not stop soon when you start a whole new pill. These initial bleedings are unpleasant and annoying, I know, but they are not “slow”. In particular, they do not reduce your Preventionsecurity. – Dear greeting, Imke =)

2 years ago

That’s what I used to have, but the gang to my gynecologist helped me.

2 years ago
Reply to  girl12021

Call there and say that you’re sick and then give you an appointment in maybe 10 days. Probably no appointment will be free before, except it is an emergency.

Good improvement.