Periode mit 13 noch nicht?
Ich werde in 3 Monaten 14 und habe meine Periode noch nicht.
alle meine Bekannten haben sie schon die im gleichen Alter sind.ich hatte vor 1/2 Jahr Magersücht und bin im Recover jz wieder fast im normalen Bereich. 13 Jahre 48 Kilo 1.70 .
bekomme ich meine Periode noch oder hat das nichts mit der Magersucht zu tun und wie lange kann das dauern bis ich sie bekomme
It is different when you get the period. Some get the period very early with 9-10 years, many with 13-14 years and others with 14-15 years. The period is influenced by weight, that is, if you are underweight then it can not get its period. Stress also plays a major role
Unfortunately, no one can tell you exactly when you get your first period :/
However, it is possible to find out on the basis of some questions and test whether the body is already set up. Before the first period, many look like this:
The average in Germany is 12.5 years and the most common is between the 11th and 14th years of age. This does not mean that one is abnormal if one is not at this age or is above or below the average. The normal age range is between 10 and 16 years. From 15 1/2 you can slowly consider a female doctor.
Ask your mother/ma/grand sister when they got their first period. Most of them get them in exactly this age range as their relatives.
If you have no contact with your relatives, you can also see this picture here:
Most get their first period between B2/P2 and B4/P4. Most likely it occurs at B3/P3 but can also be sooner or later.
For me, this sounds like you’ll get your first period in the next 1-2 years. May be tomorrow or next year. Whether your desire had an influence on it you will see when you get your period very late so at 15 1/2 or 16.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
You’re too thin, so you don’t have a period.
Of course, the magic has to do with it.
This is the reason number 1 when the period is left with young girls (besides pregnancy).
Hello marie!
These are all questions that only one medical doctor can answer with examination and questioning
You’re also underweight, that should change immediately
Be happy, it’s not so funny to bleed 5 days every month.